2019 Colorado ZR2
Vrod sees 9000 rpms I believe.
2014 Mustang GT m6 - 12.97@111
All stock down to the tires
12.53 on slicks. Stock. No tune.
1986 Mustang 5 speed - 12.10@110 off the sauce
11.05 on Nitrous babying a hurt t-5
327 stroker BOSS block with junk Pro Comp heads
355hp n/a
520hp on nitrous
All Nitrous parts are gone. Turbo on the way
Tuned by Tim @ Rodeheavers Hotrod & Dyno Shop
the Evolution engine reaches it's torque and horsepower peaks at the same RPM as the LSx platform. :nuffsaid:
2019 Colorado ZR2
The Evoluion engine was designed by Porsche, not HD. :nuffsaid:
You're thinking of the V-Rod motor which is the Revolution. The Evolution or EVO is the 1,340cc (or 80ci if you're me) engine Harley put in all their bikes from 84-99 before the Twin-Cam. The Sportster engines (883 or 1200) are still of the Evolution design... although slightly different.
stolen from interwebz... Unlike almost any other engine in production today, the Sportster Evolution uses one cam per engine overhead valve, resulting in four individual, single-lobe, gear-driven camshafts.
Was reading a story about the fuel injection on the Sportsters and a guy claimed some of the pieces had FoMoCo part numbers...
2019 Colorado ZR2
Wow. i expected to be flamed harder than that for making a mistake. you've gotten soft Troll!
sort-of topic change... I filled up today and got a calculated 62.9 mpg (or 3.74 litres per 100km if you're me). For its intended purpose and market this R3 is f'ing awesome!
I like bikes better than cars and it's serious business to me... would rather try to educate you than tear you down. :)
Apparently, you're riding this thing about as hard as a crippled kindergarten girl would. bawaahahahahahahahaha Suck it!
Does that make up for the first part ?????
2019 Colorado ZR2
^^^ okay, so you haven't been body swapped by aliens :)
about 4,000 and 6,000 ??? what? should I have said "stock" LSx platform?
2019 Colorado ZR2
Ok, I made an off the cuff joke/comment in a "motorcycle" thread in the "bar" area of a dying car forum. I am so sorry I wasn't specific enough for you. Do you have a motorcycle? Did you come in here to BS about bikes or knock my balls off?
2019 Colorado ZR2
Yes i do have a bike...why so many questions do you care to become butthurt troll?
I asked two questions. You answered one. Did you come in here to BS about bikes or break my balls off? This is exactly your 3rd post in this thread about motorcycles... all of them tonight and all of them negative... sure butthurt away! Good Luck!
Last edited by Troll; 05-07-2016 at 10:39 PM. Reason: add stupid info
2019 Colorado ZR2
10 minutes ! I'm waiting. Butt's waiting for some hurt.
2019 Colorado ZR2
Went to bed sorry for that...guess cant go to sleep without trolling a so called troll
As for posts...wow guess not seeing a thread for as long as ive been a member and now its an issue....interesting logic