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Thread: Motorcycle Talk

  1. #861
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    Sound and appearance .... 2 into 1 sounds like poop and I think baggers look funny without duals.
    can't help you there unfortunately. The V&H 2 into 1 for my bike sounds pretty nice and has the flow characteristics I want for the overall performance upgrades (air, carb, cams) I plan on. Did you check youtube for the V&H for your bike and see if someone posted a vid?

  2. #862
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    can't help you there unfortunately. The V&H 2 into 1 for my bike sounds pretty nice and has the flow characteristics I want for the overall performance upgrades (air, carb, cams) I plan on. Did you check youtube for the V&H for your bike and see if someone posted a vid?
    Yes I did and they sound good. But I'm not sure if I like the look of the slip on's.
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  3. #863
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    Yes I did and they sound good. But I'm not sure if I like the look of the slip on's.
    If you want a 2nd opinion post a link to the vid

    edit - gotta head out.. i'll check it tonight.
    Last edited by phillysrt4; 08-21-2010 at 08:39 AM.

  4. #864
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    If you want a 2nd opinion post a link to the vid

    edit - gotta head out.. i'll check it tonight.
    Bub [nomedia=""]YouTube- BUB 7 TDX Exhaust Systems for 2009-2010 Harley FLH Models[/nomedia]

    V&H [nomedia=""]YouTube- Vance & Hines Power Duals w/ Hi-Output Slip-Ons[/nomedia]
    At idle they sound good but kind of ricey at hi revs?
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  5. #865
    On the down low cam303's Avatar
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    [nomedia=""]YouTube- 2010 street glide dresser duals[/nomedia]

    This is my setup, I have the older version of these slipons which are the same baffle but they dont have the double tip look and I ordered these head pipes two days ago.
    The power duals make slightly more hp in the upper revs but I think they sound like chit and I dont like the look of the crossover tube.

  6. #866

  7. #867
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Are there more people/cars on the road than ever before or am I going crazy? Seems like every ride I take, there are (at least) 5 cars in front of me. Next intersection, 2 go one way, 3 go the other way... OK to pass maybe ONE car on the double-yellow, uphill, right-hander :o but not three or four, wtf? pick-up trucks with trailers full of firewood going 30mph in a 45mph, campers everywhere. I was turning onto roads I never been on to try and get away from a car for 2 or 3 miles and I couldn't do it.

    2019 Colorado ZR2

  8. #868
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    I don't think so. To me the BUB sounds like every other (annoyingly loud) Harley out there. The V&H to me has more of a "performance" sound (if there is such a thing). Of course if it doesn't change the powerband to your advantage then its a useless mod. However, if I preferred a Harley and if I had to choose between the BUB and the V&H just on tone/sound alone, I'd go V&H.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Are there more people/cars on the road than ever before or am I going crazy? Seems like every ride I take, there are (at least) 5 cars in front of me. Next intersection, 2 go one way, 3 go the other way... OK to pass maybe ONE car on the double-yellow, uphill, right-hander :o but not three or four, wtf? pick-up trucks with trailers full of firewood going 30mph in a 45mph, campers everywhere. I was turning onto roads I never been on to try and get away from a car for 2 or 3 miles and I couldn't do it.

    Its summertime. Tons of tourists and everyone is Stuck On Stupid(tm). But yes overall the quality of driving has gone down significantly in the last 20 years and the quantity has skyrocketed.

  9. #869
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    I don't think so. To me the BUB sounds like every other (annoyingly loud) Harley out there. The V&H to me has more of a "performance" sound (if there is such a thing). Of course if it doesn't change the powerband to your advantage then its a useless mod. However, if I preferred a Harley and if I had to choose between the BUB and the V&H just on tone/sound alone, I'd go V&H.
    I heard the V&H setup yesterday on a SG .... "DONE DEAL" But I think I'm going to go with the Jackpot 2-1-2 head pipe instead of the V&H power dual.
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  10. #870
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    I heard the V&H setup yesterday on a SG .... "DONE DEAL" But I think I'm going to go with the Jackpot 2-1-2 head pipe instead of the V&H power dual.
    So are the V&H's considered "slipons"? I don't know much about harley mods.

  11. #871
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    So are the V&H's considered "slipons"? I don't know much about harley mods.
    Yes slip on mufflers but I need a head pipe also to convert my "2 into 1" to a "2 into 2" AKA Dual Exhaust.
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
    PICS & Dyno

    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  12. #872
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    If you're going that far, does it make sense to do head/cam work?

  13. #873
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    If you're going that far, does it make sense to do head/cam work?
    Head pipe is only 4 bolts .... but I'm considering a 103 Stage II or III next winter!
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  14. #874
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    You got more options than I do. My only option is one company for cams and a DIY port job. Good thing I got three extra cylinder heads lying around in my parts collection

    What do the stages do for you?

    EDIT - nevermind... did quick google search. Looks like about 105-110hp and about the same TQ
    Last edited by phillysrt4; 08-23-2010 at 01:32 PM.

  15. #875
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Welp - as i said earlier, i sold my '03 CRF450R last week...... last night i picked up a '06 KX450F to replace it..... (3 years newer + brand new motor + aftermarket goodies + desperate seller who needs cash) < old bike ..... = good deal for Bish.... :D

    my original intention was to purchase a 2-stroke, to save on maintenance costs - and because i miss that 2-stroke sound.... however, after riding a KTM 300 2stroke, my 450 spoiled me... they're not known as screamers, but more of a torque monster.... i went to buy it on Sunday and i was extremely dissapointed... it would have still been fun, but for the money, it just wasn't worth it to me.... So instead, i started keeping my eyes open for both a 250 2stroke or a 450 4-stroke....well obviously, it didnt take me long, as previously i hadn't been even considering a 4-stroke.... I'm really looking forward to riding it in the woods and seeing what i think of the wide-range 4-speed tranny...
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  16. #876
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    How different is trail riding from road riding? I'd like to try it sometime the jumps look fun as hell.

    In other news, my engine swap got stopped cold. Long story short, I went to remove the seat and the key broke off in the seat lock with NO SPARE! Ugh... after going to a few places and a locksmith not being around I went to a local hardware store as a last resort. They had an old-school key cutter and they managed to make a key from the two pieces and it works as good if not better than my "original".

    Might get a little more done before I crash for the day. Im on nights the next 2 days.

  17. #877
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post

    How different is trail riding from road riding? I'd like to try it sometime the jumps look fun as hell.

    In other news, my engine swap got stopped cold. Long story short, I went to remove the seat and the key broke off in the seat lock with NO SPARE! Ugh... after going to a few places and a locksmith not being around I went to a local hardware store as a last resort. They had an old-school key cutter and they managed to make a key from the two pieces and it works as good if not better than my "original".

    Might get a little more done before I crash for the day. Im on nights the next 2 days.
    ummmmm... that's a hard question to answer...... it might be easier to just mention what's similar
    1.) you're on 2 wheels...

    yea, that's about it......

    also, trail riding is far different from motocross.... i'm not a motocross regular, and really have only been on a couple tracks in my life, but i've held my own quite well when on one... i love riding trails, total blast... moto-x is a total blast as well... but, its not as easy as saying that the jumps look fun... its certainly not as easy as it looks.... For a novice MX racer, or even a very experienced trail rider such as myself, the MX track will wear you out really quickly... unless you have great form, arm-pump will wear you out and you'll end up making mistakes that get you hurt... also, the jumps are a lot larger when you're coming up to them on a motorcycle than they are on tv, or even just sitting around watching... I learned quickly that there is no "work your way up" with MX... you either ***** around, or you go balls out.... table-tops are different .. you can just gradually jump them further and further... but when you're faced with a double (or larger) you have to either let off and jump off it easily, or get gung-ho and blast off it... remember, its made to be cleared by seasoned guys that are pushing themselves.... I think this concept would be much easier if you were following someone around thats more familiar with a track... i learned this as one of the first tracks i was at, i was struggling to find the right speed.... thus, i decided to just follow one of the guys that appeared to be a regular and do my best to keep up.... that was the ticket... i was going the right speed for the jumps and was keeping myself out of bone-jarring landings, etc....

    Trail riding isn't easy in its own part, but you can do more of teh "at your own pace" type riding.. i like to trail ride at a very quick pace... but other people liek to just putt around.... that's the beauty...

    As with any sport, you'll find guys that have their specialties... some guys are great MX riders, but just don't seem to be able to keep up in the woods... dunno if they just don't feel safe, or if its just that they're not familiar with the different types of obstacles... then there's guys that are great woods riders, but aren't real comfortable on the track... I fall into the second category... i like to ride MX, and i feel i've done really well when doing it, but i certainly don't feel at home and don't have an easy mind like i do when trail riding
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 08-24-2010 at 11:18 AM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  18. #878
    NEWB 83dropboy's Avatar
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    my buddy doing a burnout on a 1995 Harley Badboy:

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- 1995 Harley Davison Badboy burnout FXSTSB[/nomedia]

    an 04 VROD I picked up last month:

  19. #879
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 83dropboy View Post
    my buddy doing a burnout on a 1995 Harley Badboy:

    YouTube- 1995 Harley Davison Badboy burnout FXSTSB

    an 04 VROD I picked up last month:
    you like the vrod? what did you have before that? I'd like to try one out someday.

    ps: love the "McGangbang" on your youtube site.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  20. #880
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Troll... my dad has had 2 VRODS and they are badass bikes. I know some people don't care for the their looks or sound, but they flat out scoot. Once you get about 5500 rpm's they take off. My dad's latest one is the Screamin' Eagle Vance and Hines limited edition tribute and it is cool as hell. It has a little more power than his older one but I haven't ridden it yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    you like the vrod? what did you have before that? I'd like to try one out someday.

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