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Thread: Motorcycle Talk

  1. #1321
    Rollin in my 5.0 Shorty429's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam99 View Post
    ... i get way more annoyed with the bulk of crotch rockets that want to do wheelies or 'stuntin" while going down the highway than i do some dude on a cruiser...
    This never bothers me as long as their not zipping by my door at 100mph on the back wheel. If they're a 1/4 mile ahead or behind traffic, the only one in jeopardy is the rider IMO.

    1998 GT- PI swap, 3.73's, off road h pipe, flows & some suspension goodies

    White 1986 GT T-Tops- BBK shorties, RAM clutch/flywheel, Bassani catted x pipe, MSD ignition, MAC cai, LMM lowering springs, adjustable skocks & struts, MGW short throw, DD

    Black 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6- custom levers, -1 front sprocket, Jardine GP-1 exhaust, HIDs, custom undertail, custom black windscreen.

  2. #1322
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedracer View Post
    I don't have too many issues with crotch rockets, they move with a purpose when on the highway.
    So u never get stuck behind a slow moving group of cars or trucks? I can say i rarely ever get passed when im on my harley. I do more of cussing out people in vehicles who cant drove and go slow in fast lane.

  3. #1323
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    So u never get stuck behind a slow moving group of cars or trucks? I can say i rarely ever get passed when im on my harley. I do more of cussing out people in vehicles who cant drove and go slow in fast lane.
    Sure all the time, but as a whole there is not a group of slower moving... in the way... noise making people than HD's. I was woke up last night several times by loud bikes... now I didn't have to work today so I'm not too upset but If I were to run dumps on my Cobra (and thats how loud most bikes are) and cruise around at 3am at WOT the cops would come for me.

  4. #1324
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    so, here we go... and I know this has been covered before... just help me out. A guy from NY is acting like he's coming to look at the Buell. Let's just say he wants to buy it. What do we do? Go to notary, I sign title and have it notarized, then he takes that to his DOT or Title transfer place in NY and pays whatever taxes and whatnot???

    2019 Colorado ZR2

  5. #1325
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    so, here we go... and I know this has been covered before... just help me out. A guy from NY is acting like he's coming to look at the Buell. Let's just say he wants to buy it. What do we do? Go to notary, I sign title and have it notarized, then he takes that to his DOT or Title transfer place in NY and pays whatever taxes and whatnot???

    correct... you sign it over to him infront of a notary, and as long as you have the money, its out of your hands...

    its his responsibility to take it to his state and have a notary there get the title transferred into his name and state of residence
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  6. #1326
    Rollin in my 5.0 Shorty429's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    correct... you sign it over to him infront of a notary, and as long as you have the money, its out of your hands...

    its his responsibility to take it to his state and have a notary there get the title transferred into his name and state of residence

    1998 GT- PI swap, 3.73's, off road h pipe, flows & some suspension goodies

    White 1986 GT T-Tops- BBK shorties, RAM clutch/flywheel, Bassani catted x pipe, MSD ignition, MAC cai, LMM lowering springs, adjustable skocks & struts, MGW short throw, DD

    Black 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6- custom levers, -1 front sprocket, Jardine GP-1 exhaust, HIDs, custom undertail, custom black windscreen.

  7. #1327
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Am I going to be the only Buell owner left on the board!?

  8. #1328
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travj31 View Post
    Am I going to be the only Buell owner left on the board!?
    I don't think he's that serious. He's asked like 5 questions about the freaking seat height. I thought he was a spammer, but he does know quite a bit about Buells. If I was gonna spam, I would concentrate on the CBR,GSXR,ZX,R1 Crowd.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  9. #1329
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    OMG, what do y'all think about this. Just received this email. Seems legit at times, but not at others. I told him I'd get some more pics after I got the tire put on tomorrow (which will be done if anybody is paying attention on here ) the attached pic was just of a gixxer 1000. doesn't really lend any credibility to his story. If this is phony, what possibly could be his goal or angle???


    Thanks for the info, and older pics. Yes, I'd like to see a couple
    fresh ones after you finish the front wheel job.

    Seat height: a long story sometimes, eh? I'm 5'6" (or used to be;
    getting long in the tooth), and have owned and ridden everything except
    dressers. My last machine was a '02 'Zuk GSX-R1000, pic attached. The
    Suzuki seat height spec'd at 32.7", which I lived with for about 8
    years. Like all bikes, this means little when underway, but of course
    was a minor balancing act when coming to a stop. I did it with so many
    bikes over the years, I just didn't think about it. But now, I'd like a
    little more 'leisure' around town (and I don't care for cruisers).

    Your XB12S shows a seat height of 30.1" (with the Scg at 28.6), so it's
    about 2 and a half inches lower than the Suzuki. As you'll know, the
    actual position of the rider's feet on the ground also depends on the
    seat padding, contour, and sometimes angle, so a dude really ought to
    plant the fanny before making a judgment. If I understand correctly,
    the cg gets it's lower height from a combination of different seat,
    shorter front spring (shorter fork travel), and different rear
    spring/shock. This can just barely be seen in side-by-side photos of
    the two bikes. Does this sound correct to you?

    I'd like to hear what you have to say on this, and take a look at any
    new pics you come up with. I'll then decide about a drive from my home
    here in Sayre PA to your place. Hope to hear from you as soon as can be.

    Best wishes.

    2019 Colorado ZR2

  10. #1330
    Senior Member Steve-0's Avatar
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    Hmmm. Guy sounds pretty legit, although a bit concerned with seat height. Kind of a weird topic, but when you are short I guess it matters. It all sounds like a real person, and I don't really know what he could get out of this if he doesn't plan on buying the bike. All I could think is just leading you on to not buy it? But who would go through the trouble? Or if he just wanted to steal it maybe? Hard to say without seeing how it goes. I wouldnt meet him at your own house, find somewhere public to meet to show him the bike...

    03 Cobra=slow show car...
    13 F-150 Limited

  11. #1331
    Were would be a good place besides craigslist to sell a motorcycle. I am looking to sell my 99 R6. Any ideas?
    2003 Mineral Grey Cobra
    2014 Harley Davidson Street Glide

  12. #1332
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinGry03 View Post
    Were would be a good place besides craigslist to sell a motorcycle. I am looking to sell my 99 R6. Any ideas?
    Cycle Trader - but it'll probably cost you a few bucks...

    how much are you looking to get?
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  13. #1333
    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    Cycle Trader - but it'll probably cost you a few bucks...

    how much are you looking to get?
    Well I have it listed on Craigslist and cycle trader for $3,000 but the lowest I'll take is $2,700. The only thing the bike needs is inspected and proberly the clutches replaced. Other than that, it currently has 20,500 miles +/-, D&D exhaust, frame sliders, tinted wind screen, new tires and a few small extras.

    2003 Mineral Grey Cobra
    2014 Harley Davidson Street Glide

  14. #1334
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    Local forums/Cycle Trader/feeBay/word of mouth
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

    If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump

  15. #1335
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-0 View Post
    Hmmm. Guy sounds pretty legit, although a bit concerned with seat height. Kind of a weird topic, but when you are short I guess it matters. It all sounds like a real person, and I don't really know what he could get out of this if he doesn't plan on buying the bike. All I could think is just leading you on to not buy it? But who would go through the trouble? Or if he just wanted to steal it maybe? Hard to say without seeing how it goes. I wouldnt meet him at your own house, find somewhere public to meet to show him the bike...
    yeah, I searched cl in his area and there are a few xb12s for sale. why would you drive 6 hours for mine? hmmmmm

    one more question about the seat height and I'm going to tell him, "yeah, you're probably going to be fuct if you buy this bike. too big for you. maybe, look into a Kymco scooter".

    2019 Colorado ZR2

  16. #1336
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    so, here we go... and I know this has been covered before... just help me out. A guy from NY is acting like he's coming to look at the Buell. Let's just say he wants to buy it. What do we do? Go to notary, I sign title and have it notarized, then he takes that to his DOT or Title transfer place in NY and pays whatever taxes and whatnot???

    Also give him a bill of sale. I just did this the other weekend when i went to NC to get my trans am. He gave me a bill of sale, We went to notary, he signed title, they notarized. Came home went to irwin messenger and wam bam thank you maam title in my name.

  17. #1337
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travj31 View Post
    Am I going to be the only Buell owner left on the board!?
    Maybe not. I have been itching for a crotch rocket for a while since i got rid of the buell and a Buell 1125CR just came up for sale in Windber, going to check it out this weekend.

  18. #1338
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    BS Scott, get an XB... American made motor. Hell with that new-fangled Austrian contraption.

    or pre-order one of these, only making 100 of them. $39,999. OMG !!!
    Last edited by Troll; 06-29-2011 at 10:25 PM.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  19. #1339
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    I saw this listed and was half tempted to go check it out, but i love my cherry bomb too much to trade it in. Wish I had the extra cash to pick a CR up though. Let me know what they say and how it goes...

    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    Maybe not. I have been itching for a crotch rocket for a while since i got rid of the buell and a Buell 1125CR just came up for sale in Windber, going to check it out this weekend.

  20. #1340
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    BS Scott, get an XB... American made motor. Hell with that new-fangled Austrian contraption.

    or pre-order one of these, only making 100 of them. $39,999. OMG !!!
    haha.. I had an xb already! lol.. I said if i would get back into a buell only way would it be a 1125CR.. And get rid of those HUGE air scoops

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