You're reiterating my point. I don't care about the licenses, nor do most consumers. Why does it matter if the value drops? The state has its money. Consider it more like a car purchase.
I shouldn't have to search these out. A quick trip to any store is all that's needed.
IF the bill is passed, this will be the next to be changed. Once you get the avalanche started...
My parents are archaic -- I revolted, and I think outside of the box :D
Pennsylvania needs to get away from being an Old Boys Club and into the 21st century. Look what happened to GM with the same attitude.
Trust me, I don't want to see anyone lose their jobs, but everyone has a choice to make, and the doors aren't locked on the outside. Either adapt or suffer the consequences. They [distributors] have plenty of time to prepare for how to make their businesses continue to prosper when changes happen. One can not just rest on their laurels.
Countdown to 2012...
I like stimulating conversation such as this. I hope one doesn't take offense to it as that is not the point