May be a possibility if it's later in the evening. Let me know.
Well if it's before 7:30 count me out. I'll be busy Saturday getting a cars moved around to get luxurysportscar's 87 GT into the garage and would like to start some of the dissassembly and sanding on the car.
Last edited by Viper_ed; 02-22-2007 at 10:43 AM.
Just got home from work Jarad. I'll have it done here shortly. Got the gasket and a stud for the header. Talk to ya later.
1 Monte SS. White.
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Sorry jarad, I forgot to tell you. Your car is done. Got it done around 7:00 this evening. My wife came home early so we went out for dinner. I put the clutch fan on for you also. Changed the oil, new header gasket, got the old stud out of the header and put a new one in, door handles and greased the front end. Anything else you need done to it? I had to file some of the dipstick tube down to get it in. It was .018 bigger than the other one and the other one fit real tight. Thats what took most of the time.
1 Monte SS. White.
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Good one Ed.Thats is a easy fix right?![]()
WOW - what can i even say here. i owe ya big...if there is ever anything i got you want its yours...if i can ever return the favor for anything...just call.
let me know how much $ for parts and etc. i owe ya. and ill def get your wings and beer.
be ok to come get it saturday? cause we really wanna go see that concert tomorrow night, but i dont want to be any more of an inconvienence and take your space anymore. just let me know when is good to come saturday. maybe have a small scs meet so i can meet some members too.![]()
wick - i owe ya in shock still![]()
Dont worry Jarad. You and your wife enjoy yourselfs tonight. Tomorrow is fine. Afternoon is even better. I am probally going riding for a bit tomorrow. Lets shoot for the late afternoon.
1 Monte SS. White.
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