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Thread: Screen name, what does yours mean?

  1. #21
    Administrator burntire's Avatar
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    burntire. Just a saying I like to say and an event I enjoy participating in.
    2016 Mustang GT

  2. #22
    NEWB daviac5000's Avatar
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    Mine was based off an extremely old David Letterman top 10 list. It was a list of his top 10 nicknames. Although I just did a search of his archived top 10 lists and can't find it. There is one from 1998 but it was definitely older than that. I probably could have picked a half dozen other/better names but somehow I've always used this one.


  3. #23
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    I'm a scorpio but not into astrology, I did however have pet scorpions. 3 is my favorite number, so 3 3's. I need a name for an email acct and that's whatever I came up with at the time, so I just keep using it. It makes more sense the more cold medication you ingest.
    Live free or die

  4. #24
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    Mine was spur of the moment and just off the top of my head. Just wanted to be a bit different. But, Adamantium is X-men Wolverines exo-skeleton. The strongest indestructable steel EVER, in fiction form! Bein that Allegheny Ludlum steel is ever so close to me. Plus my Stangs Silver and I couldn't fit the e in so combinin the two it became AdamantiumSilvr. The Hardest Hardcore Stang ever, lol!
    Steel City Muscle Cars
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  5. #25
    GREEN=FAST sweeney1030's Avatar
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    my last name and best e.t.

  6. #26
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    My screen name on AOL which was a derivative of my license plate "4teth" that was on my 1993 40th anniversary corvette.

    BTW .. Great thread Lou!!
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  7. #27
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Mine is my license plate but it started out as when I first started racing at the Quaker city when I was like 19 years old there was this guy in a 99 or so Camaro SS that I always seemed to get lined up with during T&T and he was smokin me every time & then he would jag me back in the pits. It was ll in good fun....

    During one off season I modded my car a good bit and decided on the GMKILLR custom plate just to jag him as I knew I was gonna be faster than him now. Well come spring time....hit up T&T & there he was! I kept my stuff closed up so he couldnt see any of the changes. We ended up lined up & I ended up beating him and he could not believe it as he was probably 20-0 against me up to that

    I think we ended up racing like 4 times that night & I beat him everytime and kept telling him that I KILL GM's.... He was a good sport as I was in the past & laughed it up with me!
    Corvette Z06

    Growing up.............Not everyone does it!

  8. #28
    Senior Member 32valve's Avatar
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    "32valves" in my 04 Cobra. Now works with the 5.4 Shelby.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Mine comes from the Marvel Comic's Hawkeye.

    I collected quite a few back in the day and he is still my favorite comic hero.
    For those of you who don't remember, hes the guy in purple whose only ability was his kick ass bow and special arrows.
    Since I was always seen reading comics and mostly Hawkeye, it stuck.
    Been Hawkeye ever since.

    My other nickname is Sticks. (drummer thing)
    Last edited by Hawkeye; 12-04-2009 at 09:51 PM.

    "There's no substitution for cubic inches."

    93 GT, 408
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    All Motor.

  10. #30
    Member 2000GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
    Way back when I first got online it was with AOL where you needed a screen name for your e-mail ....

    I was a huge stock car fan back then (before the life was sucked out of it) and Mark Martin was my favorite driver. Back in the day, Mark drove the 6 for Roush and the 60 in Busch.

    Back then there wasnt a lot of forums so we used mail lists (Makelist, yahoo groups, etc) so most of the turbo ford guys knew me by my e-mail and I kept it when these type of forums came along (turbo Ford was the first forum like this I ever used).
    Bob, I am curious. I know you are not as much as a NASCAR fan as you used to be (same here) but do you still like Martin? I used to be one of his biggest fans until he started to drive for Roush's nemisis - Hendrick. Now, every interview with Mark is how happy he is and how great it is to drive for Hendrick. I swear they are back handed comments to Jack. I say the heck with him.

    BTW, my screen name is because I have a 2000 GT.


  11. #31
    Senior Member no1fordgirl's Avatar
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    Needed a name for Yahoo and being a Ford fan for as long as I can remember, I ended up with mine as #1 Ford Girl.
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  12. #32
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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  13. #33
    Senior Member Inkdcountryboy's Avatar
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  14. #34
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2000GT View Post
    do you still like Martin?
    I really only casually watch Nascar since they sucked the life out of the cars and drivers, but yes, I still like Martin even though he drives brand X now (And I hate Rick Hendrick). He has always been an honest good guy that rarely has a cross word to say about anyone / anything and finds the positive in any situation.
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  15. #35
    On the down low cam303's Avatar
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    cam= my initials
    303= number ford motorsports used for there cams

    been using it for a very long time.

  16. #36
    SexyManBeast KeystoneJohnny's Avatar
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    fordmanforever= it was easy to remember. I use it everywhere on all my boards for fords or mustangs. I was always a die hard. Still pretty much am. Nothing special
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    1993 Cobra #1118 Black/Black Cloth 45k
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  17. #37
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    Mitternacht, German for "midnight." The night is my favorite time to be up. The moon illuminates everything and you can see a good amount of constellations where I live.

    Why German? I am German, and I really want to visit/live in Germany someday, and know the language. I'll be working on that when I'm out of College soon.

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    And 5 other things that don't run

  18. #38
    JB 412mustangz's Avatar
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    412=my area code
    mustangz=thats wat i own..

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  19. #39
    Try'n for 12's shockstang's Avatar
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    Part of my last name and part of the word Mustang linked together.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by shockstang View Post
    Part of my last name and part of the word Mustang linked together.
    Whats ur last name? wouldnt be swinshock?
    JUNK IT!

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