I got one chance to walk most of the show on a break and got pics of about 1/2 the cars. The turnout was way off, it was cloudy and sprinkling most of the day with no sun at all, Oh well there were a couple nice cars, a friends 07 GT-500, one of the member's son's GT. I missed the shot but pulled off on the side of the road at one corner of the Dealer lot around noon the GT, two Ferrari's, and two brand new Vette's. Over a million dollars worth of dream cars in 2X2X1 formation on a crappy day?
below are large thumbnails so it will load faster, you see a pics you like, click it see a blow-up.
the 4 image limit per post is going to draw this out a bit, maybe another configuration choice to be examined, dunno, I can work around it!