View Poll Results: What type of racing format would you like to participate in?

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  • True Street style format (30 mile cruise)

    28 34.57%
  • Stoplight drag style format (Just like the Flashlights)

    29 35.80%
  • Index racing format

    16 19.75%
  • Bracket racing format

    8 9.88%
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Thread: Looking for opinions on a possible Steelcitystangs track day @ PRP

  1. #81
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Well, I talked to Greg at the WOW show this weekend and the decision is to make it a true street format. The date is August 15th and will be an all make event. This is the same day as the King of the streets race. Both Greg and everyone else who sat down and talked all feel the Ford only deal would be hard to pull off. I myself think its a great idea to make it an open event, the more cars cars we get to show up, the better chance there will be more "Street Car" events. Ill let everyone know more details as things evolve.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
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    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
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  2. #82
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking the initiative to get this rolling Lou!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

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  3. #83
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somethingclever View Post
    Thanks for taking the initiative to get this rolling Lou!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also, thanks to Chuck (Cobra II), Larry (Casper GT) and Bob (Martin0660). They were there to work out the ideas too.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
    Ported Eaton, upper/lower
    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

    WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
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  4. #84
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Maybe we can even get Russ (PSP STANG) to lead the pack with his HWY patrol car?
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
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    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

    WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
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  5. #85
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Also, thanks to Chuck (Cobra II), Larry (Casper GT) and Bob (Martin0660). They were there to work out the ideas too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Maybe we can even get Russ (PSP STANG) to lead the pack with his HWY patrol car?
    Cool idea.....

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

    Buy Made in the USA - It Matters.

  6. #86
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    This really sounds like a great time Lou. Thanks for all the effort!
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
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  7. #87
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Maybe we can even get Russ (PSP STANG) to lead the pack with his HWY patrol car?
    That would be really cool

    '89 Mustang GT
    '04.5 Duramax

    Jones Race Car Trailers

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Well, I talked to Greg at the WOW show this weekend and the decision is to make it a true street format. The date is August 15th and will be an all make event. This is the same day as the King of the streets race. Both Greg and everyone else who sat down and talked all feel the Ford only deal would be hard to pull off. I myself think its a great idea to make it an open event, the more cars cars we get to show up, the better chance there will be more "Street Car" events. Ill let everyone know more details as things evolve.
    sweet lou u are the man i cant wait ... maybe this will quiet a lot of the its not a street car crying

  9. #89
    Glad to help out any way I can, Lou. I think this will be a really cool event. Good seeing you Saturday.

    And I'm pretty sure King of Street class will be required to do the cruise too. I'll verify that with Greg.
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  10. #90
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Definitely thanks for working on a race like this, nice meeting you Sat. too.
    Quote Originally Posted by CobraII View Post
    And I'm pretty sure King of Street class will be required to do the cruise too. I'll verify that with Greg.
    I'd hope so, hard to crown a King of Street without making the cruise.
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

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    Clean DD

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by CobraII View Post
    Glad to help out any way I can, Lou. I think this will be a really cool event. Good seeing you Saturday.

    And I'm pretty sure King of Street class will be required to do the cruise too. I'll verify that with Greg.
    i think king of the street should b a heads up class that hase to do the cruise also ..just my two cents

  12. #92
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Well, once again I thought I was doing some good for the car community by taking an invite from Larry (CasperGT) to meet with Greg and the guys from PRP to discuss a Ford track day. Larry called me several times and we decided to meet at cracker barrel @ 7am the day we are to meet with the guys at the track to basically come up with a plan to have a ford event at the track this year. At the meeting we all talked our ideas over and put some notes down for the evening. My idea was to do an index format to make it something everyone would have a shot at winning regardless of the et their car runs, Bob (Martin0660) liked the quick 16 race and mentioned the true street idea, larry was more interested in a bracket format which we all know not many guys from here would show up for.

    Well, once we meet for dinner, he Greg mentions he wants us to have the event the same day as the king of streets, an all vehicle make event. After a few hours of discussion, Greg says the true street format sounds the most appealing and he could make the king of the streets guys go on the cruise with us and then go back to their own race upon completing the cruise. He also asked that we put up a feeler thread to see what reaction we get as far as to what would make every one come and participate, hense this thread and poll. He was also concearned about car count and I made the remark that if the event was open to all makes it would not concearn me. After all, I just want to see our home track do things other than the sat bracket program. If the true street thing is a success, they will be more open to other event ideas. After a few weeks go by, I see Greg at World of Wheels and he tells me the true street event is on the schedule and it will be an all make event. Fine with me, I come home and post an update.

    Fast forward to yesterday, I get a PM from a friend that states Larry is over on UGH talking crap on me and others for rail roading him on his idea and stealing his thunder and I was only asked to the event to be a sponsor (Because I work @ Laurel Mountain). I just don't get it, this is exactly why I don't put partys or events together here anymore, im always the asshole.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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  13. #93
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    you were asked to help sponsor an event, if you read through this thread, anyone who was involved with this can see the problem IMO. this was not to be a mixed brand event, a SCS event or anything else. this was to be a Ford event. I realise that most people involved were willing to comprimise on this but I wasn't & let's not forget that I called you not the other way around. I would have been much happier to just walk away from it than to have it turn into this. I did not spend half of the winter (I aproched Greg about this event when he took the track over last year) working on trying to put this together to have it be a mixed brand event & again if everyone would have walked away from it when the plans fell through then we wouldn't be here. I think it's pretty low to try & turn this all around & bash me for speaking my mind on a subject that in the end you were not even that deeply involved with. did I call to seek your help with sponsoring an event & to discuss some ideas? yes. did I ask you to have an equal part in it? no. you took that on yourself.
    2014 301a GT a6
    5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp

  14. #94
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Your completely right about some of what you posted here, it was meant to be a Ford event. You did call me but asked me to come to your meeting and never mentioned anything about sponsorship. We met in the morning to go over ideas and that is what we did. Then handed all of our ideas to Greg and HE made the decision, not me or Bob. No body talked to him after the meeting. It was then requested the idea be posted here, who got elected to do that? Me, why just a sponsor would have to take care of that is beyond me? You just walk away? You started all this with a thread over on UGH? I had no idea you were mad until then and you didn't return any PM until today. Where did I bash you? I was just dumbfounded you said nothing to me or Bob and then posted over there. A little communication on your part would have gone along way. Just because your idea (wich I think was a good one) didn;t work out, you took it out on the people who were there to help? Not sure why but I guess it doesn't matter, you blamed it all on me.

    Quote Originally Posted by casper gt View Post
    you were asked to help sponsor an event, if you read through this thread, anyone who was involved with this can see the problem IMO. this was not to be a mixed brand event, a SCS event or anything else. this was to be a Ford event. I realise that most people involved were willing to comprimise on this but I wasn't & let's not forget that I called you not the other way around. I would have been much happier to just walk away from it than to have it turn into this. I did not spend half of the winter (I aproched Greg about this event when he took the track over last year) working on trying to put this together to have it be a mixed brand event & again if everyone would have walked away from it when the plans fell through then we wouldn't be here. I think it's pretty low to try & turn this all around & bash me for speaking my mind on a subject that in the end you were not even that deeply involved with. did I call to seek your help with sponsoring an event & to discuss some ideas? yes. did I ask you to have an equal part in it? no. you took that on yourself.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

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  15. #95
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    I actually started the thread over there about this event, sorry. I honestly didn't want it to turn into a bunch of BS, but just ta have a great day of racin! I'm actually lookin forward to this event. And really hope everythings works out. No need to have a pi$$in fight over the whole thing. Um sure there's alot people who r truely appreciating the fact that u guyz r really tryin to make a great event happen! Thanx guyz for real thou.
    Last edited by AdamantiumSilvr; 02-06-2010 at 02:08 PM.
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  16. #96
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post
    I'm actually lookin forward to this event. And really hope everythings works out. No need to have a pi$$in fight over the whole thing. Um sure there's alot people who r truely appreciating the fact that u guyz r really tryin to make a great event happen! Thanx guyz for real thou.
    Thanks!!! I hope everyone can come, regardless of what board your on. There are a few people out there who feel they need to make it an us vs them deal and it screws it up for everyone else.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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  17. #97
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    I dont see why it just had to be a ford event? To tell you the truth, most the ford guys i know wouldnt probably even go if it was just a ford event.. I just dont see what the big deal is between Ford and a gm and a dodge etc etc.... A fast car is a fast car, a street car is a street car.. thats why there is a bigger turnout out at NMCA races than a NMRA race..

  18. #98
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    I dont see why it just had to be a ford event? To tell you the truth, most the ford guys i know wouldnt probably even go if it was just a ford event.. I just dont see what the big deal is between Ford and a gm and a dodge etc etc.... A fast car is a fast car, a street car is a street car.. thats why there is a bigger turnout out at NMCA races than a NMRA race..
    it was to be a Ford event because that was the whole point of it. I had no intrest in a mixed brand event which is why we are where we are now. again I initiated this event, NO ONE ELSE, I brought some people in to help & it backfired into this. if you want a mixed brand event, they have them every weekend, there called regular race days & I don't see any of the people who feel the need to put their 2 cents into this discussion at any of them.
    2014 301a GT a6
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  19. #99
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    All SCS members will be able to participate.
    perfect example of how this got out of control, I was never contacted about this at all.
    Last edited by casper gt; 02-06-2010 at 04:43 PM.
    2014 301a GT a6
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  20. #100
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Also, thanks to Chuck (Cobra II), Larry (Casper GT) and Bob (Martin0660). They were there to work out the ideas too.
    again another example, there to work out ideas? there would have been no meeting if it wasn't for me, period.
    2014 301a GT a6
    5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp

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