I was wondering if anyone is a web designer or has done it semi-professionally. I have a business opportunity to develop websites for interested parties. Currently we have our first customer and I need to know how much time it will take to develop the website and how much time to expect for maintenance in the future.

The website will be neat and professional but nothing fancy for starters. It will be for a restaurant. All other aspects of a website will be taken care of (like registering the domain name, finding a host server for the site, etc.). I will only be creating the website and then updating/maintaining it as needed.

Our initial idea was to charge a flat rate for 20 hours of work. Whatever time is left over from the 20 hours can be used as "maintenance" time. When the 20 hours runs out, an additional maintenance charge will be charged.

So I guess I need to know how much is a good price to charge per hour for upkeep and changes to website. Also how many hours will it take to develop a website from start to finish (published on the internet)

I need to make a decision by tomorrow so I am hoping I can get some feedback here shortly.

If this "test pilot" flourishes into other business, I could have a 2nd part-time job making some good "Mod Money"