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Thread: Anyone with a small engine junkyard!!

  1. #1
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    white oak, pa

    Anyone with a small engine junkyard!!

    I just picked up an old craftsman snow blower the other day, got it running then it quit...long story short its got a bent intake valve. I can install a new valve and get it running, but, im not a big fan of tecumseh engines. heres the catch this particular engine has an additional shaft that sticks out from the side cover (extended camshaft) that runs the drive wheels. The crankshaft runs the auger and impeller.

    i know for a fact that briggs made motors that had the extended camshafts in them but every engine shop i went to looked at me like i was retarded. My ultimate find would be a 5hp briggs with the extended cam in it. Even if its not running so i could get the cam and side cover to swap to a new unit.

    Please help guys im tired of shoveling!!
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  2. #2
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    white oak, pa
    can anybody help me?
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  3. #3
    guy on rt 31 in ruffsdale has shit like that and a guy in bridgeport by jj automotive

  4. #4
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Where are you located? There is a place in Bridgeville. Yablonski's. He has a pleathora of stuff sitting outside there. There is also one somewhere in Delmont area. I remember driving past it all the time going to see my lady at IUP.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  5. #5
    The BOSS GOT SVT's Avatar
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    call j&d lawn tractor in wexford


    they fix and sell used stuff
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  6. #6
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOT SVT View Post
    call j&d lawn tractor in wexford


    they fix and sell used stuff
    He is a member here too. Tylerstepp
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  7. #7
    The BOSS GOT SVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    He is a member here too. Tylerstepp
    dang, i didn't know that - he shoulda gave me a better deal on that snow blower last month

    ironically, i just taked to him today
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  8. #8


    I looked to see if we had a motor but we dont. That motor was used a lot of Troy Bilt Pony tillers that cam shaft ran the reverse. All L-Head briggs are NLA. I call are briggs rep to see if he knew anyone with a used one and he said not off the top of his head. If you decide to replace the vavle I can order the part for you and give you a break on the price. I just hope they would have it in stock because Tecumseh has been out of business for over a year and the company that took over the parts business back orders 5 out every 10 parts you order! If you do find a Briggs engine and want to sell your old one I might know some one that may have interest in it. 724 935-5877 thanks Tyler

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GOT SVT View Post
    dang, i didn't know that - he shoulda gave me a better deal on that snow blower last month

    ironically, i just taked to him today

    thanks for the business and hope all is well with the new snow thrower

  10. #10
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    Thanks for the responses guys!! I went to yablonskis a few days ago..he didnt have anything for me. the troy built pony motor you mentioned is exactly the style motor im looking for if it was briggs. the briggs number that had the extended cam was a 135292-1070 if i remember correctly. I actually had one when i was a kid, but, that was then and this is now, lol.

    Ive been to every small engin shop i could think of the one in herminie (kubotka's) i think, the one in irwin right by the turn pike, and a few others between bridgeville and

    Since you work at a small engine shop could you check to see if the side cover and extended cam are still available for the "L" head briggs? atleast that way i can atleast buy a stock 5hp briggs and convert it my self.

    Thanks guys
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  11. #11
    Senior Member Inkdcountryboy's Avatar
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    im surprised labuda's in herminie didnt have it. if it was a kohler engine or part id gladly help ya out im a kohler dealer. but have no motors like your looking for. but i am keeping my eyes out
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  12. #12
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    thx fellas
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

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