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Thread: PRP racers meeting yesterday

  1. #1

    PRP racers meeting yesterday

    Really nice turnout, especially with the wind and rain. Greg went over plans for the year, some of the big events, and changes.

    Test and tune run hours are now 6pm-11pm, Thursday nights starting April 29.

    Juniors - will now be paid in cash, no more bonds

    Entry fees and payouts, all classes, will remain the same. Big cars will receive their payouts in cash

    Street class (12.00 and up, footbrake only) will be the only class with a year end runoff, for a Dean Racing Engines built SBC. There wasn't enough time to get something together for the other classes, due to the timing of when Greg took over and potential sponsors had to set their '10 budgets. He is working on it for '11

    Year end payouts for points remain the same

    No more second chance race - it is now reentry. First round losers will be called to the lanes, and if they win, they will come right back for second round. Reentry round winners will not pick up points, but will be eligible for normal payouts, including round money

    Points - 1 point to stage, 1 point per round win.

    Starting time - Noon, with TCR being run in its entirety, then juniors. Big cars time trials start at 3pm

    Run order - Top, Bike, Modified, junior dragster (their last few rounds), Street, Trophy

    Dial for Dollars will be run every week

    Lanes - pills will be pulled to determine what lane runs what lane. Lane 7 coul run against 8, 9, 10, or run back to back

    Lots of cool events in addition to the regular races, like 4 day race weekends on the Memorial & Labor Day weekends, box/no box races at the Pro Ams

    Sign up on the PRP site for the Racers Bio, and once approved, you'll be able to login, and after entering all your info, have an option to print that info out as a label. Bring those labels to the track, and stick it on your tech card, save yourself some time

    Also sign up for the newsletter, to get info on all the upcoming events, results, etc
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  2. #2
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Belle Vernon
    Also a huge point made by track manager Greg Miller that the track prep will be the same on TNT as a race day. so if you cant hook on a TNT then its the car or driver.

    '89 Mustang GT
    '04.5 Duramax

    Jones Race Car Trailers

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ares's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Balaska347 View Post
    Also a huge point made by track manager Greg Miller that the track prep will be the same on TNT as a race day. so if you cant hook on a TNT then its the car or driver.
    Of the hand full of TnT's I went to last year. I found traction to be better than some race days. Cut my best 60's on TnT's last year.

    Lanes - pills will be pulled to determine what lane runs what lane. Lane 7 coul run against 8, 9, 10, or run back to back
    booo bring back the wheel.
    2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
    2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v

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