Quote Originally Posted by pRojekt02GT View Post
Looks good bish, very clean. althought i'd do away with the windshield..do you have an extra headlight for that thing laying around by chance? any good parts? shot in the dark but...ill get some pics up this friday/sat when i clean er up if im not too busy riding it!! haha..picking it up tomorrow for sure at 11am. Gonna throw some sea foam in it, and ride til I gotta go to work. Then some after :)
no, i don't have anything....

Also, on the windshield... it was actually much better looking in person than you would think - however, i would stay away from it if for no other reason than the wind noise.... sounds weird, but here's why.. i'm 6'2" or 6'3", depending on which convenience store i'm leaving... my height put me right where the turbulance was from the wind going over the windshield... couple inches shorter or taller, and it was GREAT! but at my height, i was getting all of the noise from turbulance and it was annoying...