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Thread: Neighborhood restaurant incident today, 03-24-10

  1. #1
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    Neighborhood restaurant incident today, 03-24-10

    Some People Grow With Authority--Others Swell

    Please read the following - this is from a member of a 912 group in
    Westerville ,Ohio

    I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group
    of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent
    health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued:

    They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young
    man exclaim, “Isn’t Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, after all, he is healing
    the sick.” The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “Yeah, and he does it
    for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work
    for health care. They are all crooks and thieves and don’t deserve all of that
    money.” Another said, ‘The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death
    so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he
    did for those of us less fortunate.” At this, I had enough.

    I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached
    their table. “Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?” They
    smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table,
    smiled as best I could and began an experiment.

    “I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I
    will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone
    interested?” They looked at each other in astonishment. “Why would you do
    something like that?” asked a young man, “There isn’t anything for free in
    this world.” They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had
    just made my point. “I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money
    what so ever. Anyone interested?” In unison, a resounding “Hell Yeah”
    fills the room.

    “Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who
    receives this money free bargain.” I noticed an elderly couple was paying
    attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking
    his head in apparent disgust. “I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you
    most willing to obey my rules.” Again, they looked at one another, an
    expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, “What
    are the rules?” I smiled and said, “I don’t know. I have not yet defined
    them. However, it is a free home that I offer you.” They giggled amongst
    themselves, the youngest of which said, “What an old coot. He must be crazy to

    give away his home. Go take your meds, old man.” I smiled and leaned into the
    table a bit further. “I am serious, this is a legitimate offer.” They gaped
    at me for a moment.

    “Hell, I’ll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?” boasted the
    youngest among them. “Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?” I
    asked. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from
    the privacy of their table. “Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?” I took a napkin
    and wrote, “I give this man my home, without the burden of financial
    obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set
    forth upon consummation of this transaction.” I signed it and handed it to the young
    man who eagerly scratched out his signature. “Where are the keys to my new
    house?” he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I
    stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them
    before the excited new homeowner.

    “Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your

    friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from
    this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You
    will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or
    resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow
    upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the
    nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do,
    think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your
    keys.” I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumb founded.

    “Are you out of your freaking mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous
    terms?” the young man appeared irritated. “You did when you signed this
    contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that
    I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement.” Was
    all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was
    looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. “You can shove that
    stupid deal up you’re a** old man, I want no part of it” exclaimed the now
    infuriated young man. “You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all
    of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not
    intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed
    to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to.

    In short, I am your Master.” At this, the table of celebrating individuals
    became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.

    After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true
    intent. “What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you
    with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed
    the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have
    something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not
    earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure
    to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have
    entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is
    if your new Master gives it unto you. A freedom that is given can also be
    taken away; therefore, it is not freedom.” With that, I tore up the napkin and
    placed it before the astonished young man. “This is the nature of your new
    health care legislation.”

    I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was
    surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook
    my hand enthusiastically and said, “Thank you Sir, these kids don’t understand
    Liberty these days.” He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, “You
    earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab.” I shook his hand in
    thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope
    for my beloved country.

    " Go Green Recycle Congress"


    Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate!

    Best Regards

    John Chuchiak
    Last edited by map351; 04-15-2010 at 01:59 PM.
    289 slabside cobra

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  2. #2
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    wow thats a good explantion
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Great read. I honestly looked at that and said "I dunno, that's a lot to read, and it's in blue font"

    I couldn't be happier that I read it, and I couldn't agree more to it. I just posted a link to this story on my facebook with the premise if anybody wanted my cobra or my vw for free hahaha.

    Hopefully I'll lure in some democraps and make them think twice about it (ok, lets be honest, it would probably be the first time they think about it)

  4. #4
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    That guy needs to take it on the road - there are groups of morons all over the country that he needs to "enlighten"..
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  5. #5
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    It amazes me how many stupid young people there are today.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  6. #6
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin01cobra View Post
    It amazes me how many stupid young people there are today.
    I agree...but I've been noticing more and more lately that stupidity does not discriminate...people of all ages seem to have jumped on the bandwagon...
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  7. #7
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    I know alot of older people who fall into the trap thats on TV and radio as well, I was one of them till I learned wtf is going on. We see and hear on tv and the radio what THEY want us to hear! Dems. vs Republicans, left vs right, libs vs conservatives....This is what they want! Divide and conquer, it's not a new tactic. Just so everyone knows, Barrack Obama is a member of the CFR, along with John Mccain. Dem. or Rep. they're both scum bags. The president is the puppet, usually the one who seems willing enough to go with the agenda, funded by the elites they work for. This country was screwed before 08, this is just another chapter IMO. If people dont stand up in numbers now, it's the end of any freedoms for the future.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    I know alot of older people who fall into the trap thats on TV and radio as well, I was one of them till I learned wtf is going on. We see and hear on tv and the radio what THEY want us to hear! Dems. vs Republicans, left vs right, libs vs conservatives....This is what they want! Divide and conquer, it's not a new tactic. Just so everyone knows, Barrack Obama is a member of the CFR, along with John Mccain. Dem. or Rep. they're both scum bags. The president is the puppet, usually the one who seems willing enough to go with the agenda, funded by the elites they work for. This country was screwed before 08, this is just another chapter IMO. If people dont stand up in numbers now, it's the end of any freedoms for the future.
    I agree 100%...My grandmother fell into this trap. She has since then watched the Obama Deception video, and has a totally different outlook thank the lord. I've also been telling a few at work to watch it as well. Crazy stuff goin' on out there..
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  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    this is good im a senior at kiski area arguing this point to my gym teacher and i actually printed this article out and gave it to him and clearly proved my point to him good article man

  10. #10
    Arch enemy of the Prius EricS197's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin01cobra View Post
    It amazes me how many stupid young people there are today.
    Sadly, I probably fall into this stupid age bracket.

    At least the MTV Presidents never appealed to me.

    I voted for Bush the first year I was able to vote back in 2004.

    My generation can keep the change.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by EricS197 View Post

    My generation can keep the change.
    What do you mean by this??

  12. #12
    Arch enemy of the Prius EricS197's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    What do you mean by this??
    As in, the people ages 18-26 that voted for this guy can enjoy his reign of terror.

    Also referencing those shirts that say "Keep the change".

    Speaking of which, I really need to buy property Texas before it succeeds...

  13. #13
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EricS197 View Post
    As in, the people ages 18-26 that voted for this guy can enjoy his reign of terror.

    Also referencing those shirts that say "Keep the change".

    Speaking of which, I really need to buy property Texas before it succeeds...
    Oh, I got ya.

  14. #14
    Chevelle Owner Tony71502's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EricS197 View Post
    As in, the people ages 18-26 that voted for this guy can enjoy his reign of terror.

    Also referencing those shirts that say "Keep the change".

    Speaking of which, I really need to buy property Texas before it succeeds...

    I live in Oakland... when people ask, "Got any change?"

    The response is usually "You voted for it."

    I'm not talking about the actual bums that can't afford shoes much less care to vote, I'm talking about the ones wearing fubu standing outside Sunoco badgering people.
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