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Thread: Made my own oil breather kit for the Saleen...

  1. #1
    Twin Turbo Saleen 98saleen's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Talking Made my own oil breather kit for the Saleen...

    So the small K+N filters on my valve covers finally filled up with enough oil and started to drip a little on my valve covers.
    I hate leaks!

    The parts below were black and most places don't carry alot of this stuff in stock, so I had to mail order it.

    So I decided to ditch the filters and install my own breather kit.
    I used a tank from Jegs and used #12 fitting and line to a Y block.
    From the Y block I used #10 fittings and lines to the valve covers.
    I had to use a UNI bit and drill out the insides of the valve cover rubber grommets to get the #10 fittings to slide in, but it is tight and won't leak!

    Here's the parts I used -

    1 - 555-52203 BRETHR TANK -12 CLR SHORT ----79.99
    1 - 555-15169 Y-FTNG (1)12AN (2)10AN BL -----44.99
    2 - 555-100264 #10 90DEG FLARED BULKHEAD ---14.99
    3 - 555-110003 #10 STR HOSE END BLACK -------9.49
    2 - 555-110004 #12 STR HOSE END BLACK ------12.99
    1 - 799-632163 PROCLASSIC HOSE #10 6' -------49.99
    1 - 555-110023 #10 90 DEG HOSE END BLACK ---16.99

    I had a 3 foot piece of #12 hose already.

    Much better in looks and performance and easy to drain out any oil that accumulates in the tank.


    Last edited by 98saleen; 04-18-2010 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Polar Vortex
    Looks like it belongs there. Nice job....your car is sick..

  3. #3
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dayton PA
    nice valve and coil covers
    looks familiar
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  4. #4
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    North Fayette Township, PA
    great thread!!

    I was trying to gather a list of parts to make the similar setup. I wanted to run from the Y to a separator, then back into the intake to my Vortech. I was trying to get away from having a open breather system.
    Last edited by venom; 04-16-2010 at 07:07 AM.
    2015 GTPP

  5. #5
    Twin Turbo Saleen 98saleen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Thanks guys.

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