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Thread: WTB Hydroboost setup

  1. #1
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Altoona, PA

    WTB Hydroboost setup

    I'm looking for a hydroboost setup from a 96-98 GT/cobra. I will need everything associated with it. Let me know if you have anything or know where to get it. Thanks!

    1995 GT 'vert
    Best times on old 302 combo:
    12.03 at 112.5mph NA
    Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
    11.50 at 121mph
    Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq

    2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
    100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph

  2. #2
    There's one on Craigslist now for a Terminator, not sure if that will work or not. Just a thought.
    -Bill W.
    1988 Mustang GT T-top
    347, Tremec, 4.10's, etc....

    11.5 @117 N/A
    10.75 @129 on 125 shot

  3. #3
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Castle Shannon
    i has one from a 97 or 8 gt. been sitting but i'm sure is fine. dont know if i'm going out your way anytime soon tho?

    edit: i only have the hyrdoboost...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Altoona, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by bad88t-top View Post
    There's one on Craigslist now for a Terminator, not sure if that will work or not. Just a thought.
    I searched and could not find it. Can you provide me with a link?

    Blizzard- it seems you comne across a lot of parts. If you come across a complete setup from a 96-98 cobr ideally please let me know.

    1995 GT 'vert
    Best times on old 302 combo:
    12.03 at 112.5mph NA
    Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
    11.50 at 121mph
    Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq

    2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
    100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph

  5. #5
    We have one for an 03 cobra at the shop.
    Let us know your parts needs! We will work to get you the lowest possible price!

  6. #6
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    Castle Shannon
    i'll be going to FL first week of May.. always hit up the boneyards dahn ther. chances are good i can pull a full setup, perhaps sans pump tho? engines are usually raped, or gone.

    and now that i'm thinking about it, i was planning on REcreating the lines in my 85 with russell stuffs, so i would have good lines also, tho i didn't want to afford that yet :P and a prop valve, cuz i'm hardlining that isht.. and pretty sure i have the "cooling" piece up front sittin down in the garage. not using it, gonna use the A/T portion of the rad for that...

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