I guess I'll first thank ModularMike for introducing me to the site....so uh, Thanks!
My name is Ron and I have lurked for a while but never really posted. I drive a rice rocket (2005 CGM Subaru STi) with a couple mods. I love the car and I mostly bought it because it makes an amazing DD. Mike already knows this as we were out the night of that terrible snow storm. The snow was so high that my doors carved it out of the way when we opened them...but still my suby went through alright with bald blizzak lm25s. I know my car isn't most people's cup o' tea on here so feel free to poke fun at it, I've heard them all :p.
At the moment, the car has a stage 2 OTS tune (with launch control and no lift shift) on the Cobb Accessport 2.0, a catless helix downpipe wrapped in copper heat wrap, Blitz Nur Spec R catback, Kartboy short shifter, TiC Super shift kit, K&N drop-in panel filter, and custom headlights (modified stockers that I had to bake in the oven).
Waiting to go on the car is an IAG up-pipe with a v-band 44mm Tial external wastegate and Grimmspeed 3 port Electronic boost control solenoid. I am waiting for some better injectors before I put this stuff on as my injector duty cycles are already reaching the high 90% range.
(tried the wingless look...didn't like it)