View Poll Results: Good aftermarket 302 Block ???

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  • Dart

    9 75.00%
  • FRPP

    3 25.00%
  • World Products

    0 0%
  • Other

    0 0%
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Thread: Blocks : Dart vs FRPP vs World product vs other ??? Vote here

  1. #21
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Fayette City, PA
    So what are the takes on the R302 vs the Dart Sportsman?

  2. #22
    Not Bad for 367 SAE RWHP Pure Stock's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Some of the maching operations that both blocks will need.
    1.Bored to size and honed
    2.Mains line honed to size
    3.Decks surfaced and or square decked to needed height.
    4.Lifter bores checked and R302 will usually need a little.
    5.The R block will need clearancing on all 347(3.4") and the Dart will need to be checked.

    If you are concerned about weight the R block is a positive.(Max effort builds will benefit here)

    *Some* R-blocks require an immense amount of work to get *right*. Bore can check in at 3.980 and some are not in the proper location. The block will need to be subjected to a line hone because of undersizing and the decks need to be squared. The spacing of the bores is contingent upon the rear surface of the main thrust area. A deck plate is utilized to center the boring machinery to correct the bore placement.

    The placement of the lifter bores is *usually* where it needs to be. However, the size of the lifter bores *may* be another story.

    Clearancing for as little as 3.4" of stroke *may* very well be necessary.

    In conclusion, if the application is not a "MAX" effort race application and does *not* require some rule that will only allow Ford part numbers, by all means do the Dart Sportsman, run the factory hydraulic roller lifter guideplates and lifter guide plate hold down (spider) and save time and $$$$$.
    Last edited by Pure Stock; 03-05-2007 at 03:47 PM.
    2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :

    BONE STOCK 12.223@115.18

  3. #23
    Dart Eagle ...good for about 2000 hp 4 bolt all caps
    Dart Sportsman...good for about 1500..4 bolt on center 3 caps ends still 2 bolt.... different cam bearings you must get for Dart


    best of 9.66 at 141 MPH

  4. #24
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hummmm....this has me rethinking my 69 351w block
    87 GT
    93 Notch
    60 Country Sedan
    Fairlanes/Galaxies 59-68
    67 Contiental 4 door
    06 Powerstroke

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