Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
From an objective stand point, and a guy that's had a motor rebuilt on a cobra with under 13k miles, listen to what I have to say: everybody is going to ride their tuners nuts because they think they're the best. Unless something happens to their car, then they're automatically the worst person in the world, no matter what was going on with the car before. You bought the car used, and no matter how good you treat it, it was under the watch of someone else previously. You never know what they did or how they went about doing things, so you should take whatever precautions you can.
Think about the worst case scenario. Yes it's extremely rare, but it happens. It's how the vendor/tuner will deal with you if your car blows up or fries a piston... or prematurely wears a valve guide that you should think about. You're taking a very commonly followed path of modifications with your car, anyone that tunes will be able to do an extremely similar job with your car so long as they have the right measuring equipment and your car is healthy.
Where will you want to go if something goes wrong?
How much is the tune/dyno session going to cost? (more $ doesn't = more HP in this case)
Which type of hand held tuner do they prefer to work with?
Those are the questions you need to ask yourself, as well as your potential tuning locations/tuners.
I'd also like to add: some shops are more willing/patient than others if a car isn't "right" when it's being tuned than others are from what I've experienced personally and what I've been told. You have a relatively stock car from what I can tell, so that shouldn't be a problem for you, but it's still something to consider.
Last edited by MBH; 07-08-2010 at 02:52 PM.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
hahahahaha I wouldn't go so far as to say that!! we all have our moments, good and bad.
I've been paying a lot more attention to my VW lately, and I've been asking a lot of questions (and searching my ass off) when I have the time. Jumping in with both feet on that and a tight schedule has helped me appreciate what it's like searching for things again. I don't frequent this forum too much anymore, but when I see stuff I can contribute I do. I have that little side bar of posts to thank for that lol
my tuner tuned mine.... something happened. I still support street lethal. I know it was not 100% their fault.
YES LOL it dose happen. i know from experience street lethal will take care of you.... look what happened to me. they are helping me out now and will be back up and running for summer still
yes... very much
Last edited by 97LaserRed; 07-08-2010 at 04:17 PM.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
Terry did a ton of work on my car, from forging the shortblock to custom fabbing the TT and everything else in between, he also tuned it.
I can tell you this from experiance, there are not many guys out there that can work on and build these cars like him, this guy knows his stuff, and yes he can also tune them. Not only that he is one of the best persons I have ever delt with, he goes above and beyond the word customer service.
I no longer have the car but I still have a freind in Terry that I keep in contact with, he still finds the time to BS with me.
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"
General Douglas McArthur
You use words like "truth" and make statements like "Get your facts right".
Here you go...
1) You purchased a flasher with a start up tune from Jon for your new KB combo that YOU INSTALLED. The car wouldn't flash and SCT was having issues with flashers at the time, so after verifying the tune, Jon offered to replace your handheld. Both Jon and I knew it was something stupid so I agreed to give you a slot for the tuning day and Jon brought you out a new flasher, just in case.
2) Fast forward to 5-9-2009, you missed your appointment.
Jon agreed to stay late and still tune your car but you would have to wait until the end, you agreed and waited to be tuned.
3) In between other stuff, we loaded your tune on a new handheld and it still wouldn't flash. We ask you if you ever checked to see if your USED cobra ever had a chip? Well, sure enough, your car had a chip and this was why we couldn't flash the car.
4) Now that the tune is on the car and all seems well, you wanted to take the car for a rip. I told you no, just in case.
5) We finally get you on the dyno and on the first pull your car leans out and detonates. You should be on your knees praying every night that Jon and I were still sharp after a long day of tuning. If we wouldn't have aborted the run when we did, your car would have been DONE.
I don't care if your part was defective or not, you installed it, you should have verified it!
6) After spending over an hour just troubleshooting your car, it was determined that you had a fueling issue that needed to be found and fixed before we would finish tuning the car. Jon was already late for his departure to Maryland for another 10 car tuning day that was to kick off at the following morning and was forced to spend another night in Pittsburgh. We offered to keep the car, fix the car, whatever you wanted.
7) Fast forward to 6-13-2009, now that your car was mechanically sound, you returned to have your car finish tuned. Your car tuned out just fine and made 579 RWHP & 500 RWTQ! Instead of being happy, what do you do? You have the balls to tell me you and your buddy's don't think Jon and I did enough for you!
Totally unbelievable, over a year later after we help you get your car right and tuned, your on here talking trash on us. I bend over backwards to make my customers happy, some people are just never happy...
Last edited by Wolfpack Speed; 07-08-2010 at 06:00 PM.
Wolfpack Speed, Inc.4290 Campbells Run RdPittsburgh, PA 15205(412) 279-4902
OP I sent you a PM since your thread was pretty much takin over with internet war.
I feel pretty confident any tuner on this site will do a great job on your car for you. I said lund because thats who did my car. Mine was done before he was comming to pittsburgh and tunning for mike. Like lou said if the shops on this site didnt do good work they wouldnt be a sponser on here.
This isnt directed at ruthless. But for anyone on this site if you werent happy with a service at any of the shops on here why not post it in the forum dedicated to that shop. All this did was make 3+ pages of non helpfull material for the OP.
Last edited by wickedsnake03; 07-08-2010 at 06:26 PM. Reason: misspelled isnt
I guess your not in the loop, Wolfpack and I are secret lovers and he can't do no wrong so I edit anything bad said about him.Just as Ruthless insinuated by asking why he couldn't praise Terrys work a few posts above, its a conspiracy. The truth is, I don't want trouble stiring assholes here, plain and simple! It has nothing to do with whos shop I prefer, I do all my own work.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner