anyone got one for my 91? i guess 91-93 would work.
who has one lying around?
anyone got one for my 91? i guess 91-93 would work.
who has one lying around?
Someone please help this guy!
He may not be able to figure out how to drive his car without it!
I know I have an extra one for a 1992.. its not the correct year, but it has all the same info as the 93 one I have so it should workout okay.
- Mike
- 93 Mustang Cobra
(bolt ons) sold :(
- 04 SVT Focus (intake/udp/off road pipe)
- 89 Probe GT (mbc @15psi, chip, 2.5'' catback)
Haha the guy I bought my cobra from was a bit anal.. he saved EVERYTHING lol I still have the first insurance card issued to the thing from march 26th 1993 lol. I dont know why I got a bonus manual but its in there. plastic black cover and all. haha
- mike
- 93 Mustang Cobra
(bolt ons) sold :(
- 04 SVT Focus (intake/udp/off road pipe)
- 89 Probe GT (mbc @15psi, chip, 2.5'' catback)
- 93 Mustang Cobra
(bolt ons) sold :(
- 04 SVT Focus (intake/udp/off road pipe)
- 89 Probe GT (mbc @15psi, chip, 2.5'' catback)
how much?
I have no idea man.. I dont know what its worth, and one other guy is already trying to get it from me.. Why dont you shoot me a pm with what you'd consider paying for it and I'll let you know? I'm not trying to get rich or anything from it, but I dont want to just give it to someone and then have them sell it for a $25 profit or something lol.
- Mike
- 93 Mustang Cobra
(bolt ons) sold :(
- 04 SVT Focus (intake/udp/off road pipe)
- 89 Probe GT (mbc @15psi, chip, 2.5'' catback)
well let me know...i hate "make an offer" i will not be selling it...i want it for my car.