just playin on craigslist, seeing if it's anybody's on here. Seems nice, but the guy needs alot better pictures and description of exact mods and specs for that caliber of a car
just playin on craigslist, seeing if it's anybody's on here. Seems nice, but the guy needs alot better pictures and description of exact mods and specs for that caliber of a car
07 Silverado
05 R6
Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O
$20,000? Nice car but damn.
Ive seen this car and talked to the owner. He has alot of money invested, its a clean Mustang. Definitely needs better pics , it looks better than his pics show.
89 Vert, Stock block, H/C/I , DIY turbo kit MPT70 , Tweecer RT, C4 trans. 17 lbs boost. 3400#s - 10.3 @ 136 mph.
Dyno Jet - 542 RWHP / 545 RWTQ