Just wanted to throw this out there. Chicora Medical Center, a local nursing home, is hosting it's 8th Annual Car and Bike Cruise this Saturday, August 21st from 4 pm to 9 pm. There should be multiple food venders, dash plaques for at least the first 50 (or 100 can't remember), games for kids, some misc. vendors, a contest to have your car on next year's dash plaque, music, raffles, and much more. Oh yeah, fireworks at about 9 pm, they are always awesome! Usually brings in 100-200 cars, everyhthing is there! All makes and models, old and new!

It is located at 160 Medical Center Road, Chicora. Call (724) 445-2000 for more information. Proceeds from the contest and raffle benefit the Dream a Little Dream Fund for the nursing home residents and the local Boy Scouts of America.