I am 4 hours away from Pittsburgh right now, attending a school owned by Penn State called Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, I'm in the 4 year program for Network Specialist. Right as I moved here I did what any normal person would do, find the closest drag strip! Here are a few pics I took.

And some more at - [ame="http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa261/ModularMike/Numidia%20Car%20Club%20Day/"]Numidia Car Club Day pictures by ModularMike - Photobucket[/ame]

I ran my Mustang as that is the car I have here. I ran a 14.0 a couple times, couldn't seem to break 13s. A problem I'm having is my traction-lok is acting up. It was rebuilt less than a year ago but something is not right in it. I guess the time isn't too bad considering its a 202rwhp car and I am running on street tires. But I had fun!