Originally Posted by
That may be so in your head, but as far as the TS race goes, it is the average
of your 3 times, and the closest racer to the even second breakout time wins.
If you run an average of 12.99, too bad, you lose.
It's basically bracket racing. Except you don't get to choose your dial in time,
it gets chosen for you by the average time you run.
The only TS racers that care about their ET are the ones gunning for the
low ET of the day. I see no reason why PRP couldn't run bracket racing,
and also give a trophy for the low ET of the day.
As a matter of fact, I'd like that better than True Street! I'd much rather
run on my chosen dial in, rather than a set index.
PRP, are you paying attention here?
Mandatory cruise.
Racers may work on their cars one time before TT staging call.
Then consecutive elimination passes, no working on the cars allowed.
Bracket race champion, plus a trophy for low ET of the day.