if i go i will b racing my grand am not my mustang prp could care less about street cars the only reason they are having it is cause of there bracket racers ...
if i go i will b racing my grand am not my mustang prp could care less about street cars the only reason they are having it is cause of there bracket racers ...
Slicks aren't a big deal to me i don't run them but whatever, BUT the reason i run street events is so i don't have to hear the 11-12 second race cars with no mufflers. i have a factory stereo and can't hear the radio when i race them.
So........bracket race, slicks, open headers, no cruise, no mention of required registration/insurance/inspection.........how is this a 'street' race?
Super FAIL by PRP here.
Was going to at least come spectate if it was a True Street style race, now I'll find something better to do.
'91 LX Bimini Blue
427"/88mm on 16psi
'99 Contour SVT
Clean DD
Kind of hard to believe that PRP could make such an epic fail.
There were easy ways to make this race interesting without being sanctioned.
Now you have to fire the management.
I agree that PRP definitely droppped the ball on this one. I would have like to see what kind of turn out it would have had for the true street event atleast. I personally think that it would have flopped anyway if it would have happened because MOST, not all of the guys, on here and others would say they want the event to happen but when the day comes they have a reason they cant bring the car but might come to watch. Watching doesn't really support the event because without a good car count it would never happen again anyway. The KOS bracket race is on the schedule every year because people come out and race to support it.
As for the 12-13 sec bracket racers with open headers, there are very few of these anymore on a regular race day and for the KOS there might be a hand full out of 80 cars. Im a bracket racer that runs mufflers in modified class which most of those car run open headers and yeah I have a CD player I just turn the volume up. If your really worried about open header cars stick to the car cruises.
they should call this race KING OF BRACKET RACING!
come and get some!
I honestly was going to consider throwing in a new flexplate and starter and making this my last race of the year if it was a real True Street event. Already had that plan in place with my brother who will be here that weekend.
I was going to bring my Contour SVT for its first passes (to see what it could do in good weather) if it was a True Street event, just to support PRP for trying a True Street event.
You're obviously a supporter of PRP and while you said they dropped the ball you then go on to basically say the opposite. So make up your mind.
The KOS is nothing more than a regular bracket race as mentioned above, so I can see why you'd like it.
'91 LX Bimini Blue
427"/88mm on 16psi
'99 Contour SVT
Clean DD
I can't wait to go watch this and see a 16 second Sentra named 'King of Street'....
They should at least have some kind of quickest ET prize.
I am just waiting for them to announce this will be an 1/8 mile race.....
If you check the flyer on the PRP site, the rules are stated:
Car or bike must be state inspected
Car or bike must have current registration
No electronics (delay box), 2 step, or transbrake
This is still a good race, pays $800 to win, $300 runner up, semis $100, round money $20 starting with a 3rd round win.
It's not a "regular bracket race" - it's a bracket race aimed at street cars. I'd like to see tweaks to it too, like requiring DOTs and mufflers, but that won't stop me from racing. If a Sentra has the skill to cut a light and drive the stripe, so be it. If you don't want that to happen, get in your car and try to beat him/her.
The problem with the KOTS race is it is a bracket race that is usually populated with the "Bracket Racer" regulars and 99 % of the potential street car people have no interest in seing who they can send home due to cutting a better light and dialing their car. Its not a matter of skill, it just doesn't appeal to most. Im not putting down the Bracket Racers, just stating there is a huge oppertunity to bring alot more people to the track if other options are available. Look how well the FLD's do.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
A few things worth mentioning.
1) They can't call it True Street (c), but it could have many attributes of true street,
and even a few improvements thrown in. Like making some effort to race cars that
are in the same 1 second brackets. In True Street you often end up racing your 13
second muscle car heads up with a sub ten second race car. That can be not so fun
when a 9 second car wipes out in front of you. I know!
2) You could run the KOS class along with the regular bracket classes the same way
that NMCA and NMRA do it at most national events. So it really doesn't matter how
many cars are entered in KOS race because the bracket classes will pay their usual
amount of revenue just like any other bracket race day.
3) You set a higher entry fee for KOS, just like True Street does! (I believe it is $75?),
that way you can award sweet purses for KOS and draw more racers. Or at least draw
a better crop of KOS racers. Bargain racers can enter the regular bracket races for the
regular bracket race entry fee and cracker jack prize.
This isn't rocket science, just good event planning and marketing!
PRP, contact me if you're looking for a real manager!
Check the link below, look how much stuff goes on and how many days they are open. They are not doing this for their health, they are using the track as much as possible and probably making decent money.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
Lou, in all fairness, the NJ/Philly market is way bigger than Pittsburgh.
That said, note the variety of events run at Atco?
PRP is now one of the few remaining real tracks in the PA tristate area.
So they do have a large geographic area to draw from.
Promoting good events doesn't take money so much as good marketing.
Thus they maid an unbelievable blunder with the KOS.
It's not the bacon that sells, it's the sizzle!
How about the cars with classic plates that they race every week end as their drag car!![]()
My post wasn't directed at you it was just a statement. Im going to try and make my self more clear here. I do believe that PRP droppped the ball because they made the plans to runs this race and then backed out. I think that looks bad for the track. As for the true street format, I dont think you can draw enough people in the area to actually participate to make it worth opening the track. And people aren't going to travel for a few hundred bucks. I have a car that runs 10.90-11.0 all day long and can drive it anywhere. Do I have any interest in running true street? No, what am I gonna say Im the king of the true street 11.0 sec bracket and won $250. No Im gonna run the bracket race and win $800 and you can call me what ever you want lol. Do I have any interest in watching a true street event? No its just as boring as bracket racing, actually to me its worst.
Yes I support PRP because if we dont it will be the next Quaker city. Do I always agree with PRP, no. Im not against you guys I just dont always agree with you.
I agree but there are a lot of cars sitting in garages around here that do not come to the track because they do not enjoy the Bracket thing. If there were more things geared towards real truestreet format and there was a decent pay out people would come from a few hours away to play.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner