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Thread: Story on our Fiat currency

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    Story on our Fiat currency

    Regardless of ones thoughts, this is very strange.

    [ame=""]YouTube - PsyOps: New Series US Dollar Bills Tell 9/11 Plan[/ame]

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    Nobody likes to face the truth.

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    I have bad luck. 95V6's Avatar
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    I watched alittle of this last night, interesting stuff. Hard to believe though. I try to stay away from conspiracy theorys but I tend to question real life stuff like this.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 95V6 View Post
    I watched alittle of this last night, interesting stuff. Hard to believe though. I try to stay away from conspiracy theorys but I tend to question real life stuff like this.
    I have come to the conclusion that everything is a conspiracy.

    Our money for example, is a conspiracy. Today people flash it around like it's gold, but thats not the case. At one time you could turn your dollar bill in for gold. That was back in the early 1930's . Now? It's paper, and only the ghost of money.

    You tube Zeitgeist, or obama deception to get past the controlled media, and learn the way this country is really being run. Most people are living in a matrix! The collapse of the dollar is coming.

  5. #5
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    I thought I pretty much knew the ways of the world at 50 years old. It was quite an eye opener when I learned how the Fed really works. Conspiracy theory or not, there is a whole lot of stuff that goes on that the general public isn't aware of.

    Gulf of Tonkin - a lie to get us into the Vietnam war...

    Operation Ajax - the CIA overthrow of democratically elected Mohammad Mosadek of Iran in the 1950's. He wanted to use oil revenue for the betterment of Iran and its people. The US was having none of that and installed a dictator, (Shah of Iran)...

    United Fruit Company (Chaquita Banana).....Held a monopoly on bananas in S. American countries. When leaders of some of those countries wanted to reclaim the land for the good of their people, the wrath of the CIA and US military was unleashed on the population. All to protect a private company, known today as Chaquita Banana.

    There are countless examples of the US using the CIA and US military to enforce the will of private US corporations in foreign lands.

    The few examples listed here along with many, many others are all documented and admitted to. Some of the info was brought to light through the Freedom of Information act, some from whistleblowers.

    I am not anti US. I believe the principles this country was founded on are the best hope for the freedom of humanity. The problem is, our elected officials take their marching orders from unelected elitists who could care less about our Constitution and the rule of law. Our government was co-opted years ago and will remain so until the people take it back.

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    Research the federal reserve. It will shock you to find your money is really what is in the monopoly box. You tube it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankstang View Post
    I thought I pretty much knew the ways of the world at 50 years old. It was quite an eye opener when I learned how the Fed really works. Conspiracy theory or not, there is a whole lot of stuff that goes on that the general public isn't aware of.

    Gulf of Tonkin - a lie to get us into the Vietnam war...

    Operation Ajax - the CIA overthrow of democratically elected Mohammad Mosadek of Iran in the 1950's. He wanted to use oil revenue for the betterment of Iran and its people. The US was having none of that and installed a dictator, (Shah of Iran)...

    United Fruit Company (Chaquita Banana).....Held a monopoly on bananas in S. American countries. When leaders of some of those countries wanted to reclaim the land for the good of their people, the wrath of the CIA and US military was unleashed on the population. All to protect a private company, known today as Chaquita Banana.

    There are countless examples of the US using the CIA and US military to enforce the will of private US corporations in foreign lands.

    The few examples listed here along with many, many others are all documented and admitted to. Some of the info was brought to light through the Freedom of Information act, some from whistleblowers.

    I am not anti US. I believe the principles this country was founded on are the best hope for the freedom of humanity. The problem is, our elected officials take their marching orders from unelected elitists who could care less about our Constitution and the rule of law. Our government was co-opted years ago and will remain so until the people take it back.

    Best post ever. To think the president actually calls the shots is ludacris.

    The founding fathers HATED the thought of a central bank printing our money, but this is now the case through years of power struggles with them. The war of 1812 was fought over the opposition to a central bank in the US by our gov. Patriotism is not serving for your country, but desenting for it. Ben Franklin stated the people should revolt every 20 years. I'm no math wizzard, but it's been over 200 years.

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    I don't mean to rant, but I wanted to add a couple things I think are important.

    For those who think this is all BS, ask yourself why the Bush administration fought tooth and nail to stop an investigation into 911. When they couldn't stop it any longer, THEY appointed the commission and narrowed its investigative powers to the point of neutering them.

    Illegal Immigration .... do you really believe our government can't secure our southern border ? With the manpower and technology we have it would be a simple operation. They don't want the border secured. The Feds are suing Arizona for enforcing Federal immigration laws...that's a joke, and it's also against the Constitution for the Federal Govt. to sue a state on behalf of any foreign group. That's called tyranny.
    OK, I'll stop now.....I'm ranting, LOL.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankstang View Post
    I don't mean to rant, but I wanted to add a couple things I think are important.

    For those who think this is all BS, ask yourself why the Bush administration fought tooth and nail to stop an investigation into 911. When they couldn't stop it any longer, THEY appointed the commission and narrowed its investigative powers to the point of neutering them.

    Illegal Immigration .... do you really believe our government can't secure our southern border ? With the manpower and technology we have it would be a simple operation. They don't want the border secured. The Feds are suing Arizona for enforcing Federal immigration laws...that's a joke, and it's also against the Constitution for the Federal Govt. to sue a state on behalf of any foreign group. That's called tyranny.
    OK, I'll stop now.....I'm ranting, LOL.
    Adding to your rant, which is the truth. It was over 400 days they postponed the investigation. How would your family feel if your brother or sister, mother or daughter was killed in the states by things unknown? You surely wouldn't want the evedence to be tampered with, would you? After 400 days, critical pieces from the attacks were GONE! The 9/11 commision report omits building #7, which was part of 9/11. #7 was a collapse never seen before.

    Another addition to this was the fact that the borders were Not shut down during, and after 9/11. Why?

  10. #10
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    For the people stuck in the Democrat vs. Republican scam, did you ever notice that the policies enacted by sitting Presidents are never rescinded once they're out of office ?
    Obama railed against the Patriot Act, torture, illegal wiretaps, etc., Yet when he's elected, all those policies stayed in place and in many instances are expanded upon.
    It's that way because unelected elitists are making the policies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frankstang View Post
    For the people stuck in the Democrat vs. Republican scam, did you ever notice that the policies enacted by sitting Presidents are never rescinded once they're out of office ?
    Obama railed against the Patriot Act, torture, illegal wiretaps, etc., Yet when he's elected, all those policies stayed in place and in many instances are expanded upon.
    It's that way because unelected elitists are making the policies.
    Exactly right. The patriot act stripped americans of our 4th amendment, and Our supposed president supports it. Actually, he expanded it! The left/right, paradigm is a bogus peice of SHI+.

  12. #12
    I have bad luck. 95V6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    I have come to the conclusion that everything is a conspiracy.

    Our money for example, is a conspiracy. Today people flash it around like it's gold, but thats not the case. At one time you could turn your dollar bill in for gold. That was back in the early 1930's . Now? It's paper, and only the ghost of money.

    You tube Zeitgeist, or obama deception to get past the controlled media, and learn the way this country is really being run. Most people are living in a matrix! The collapse of the dollar is coming.
    I saw both over a year ago. Believe me, I am one of those who are into but try to keep it to myself. I am all about about conspiracy theorys , buy me a few beers and Ill go on for hours.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 95V6 View Post
    I saw both over a year ago. Believe me, I am one of those who are into but try to keep it to myself. I am all about about conspiracy theorys , buy me a few beers and Ill go on for hours.

    I hear you, but nothing will ever change if everyone keeps their opinion to themselves.

    Our founding fathers revolted against this exact same situation.

  14. #14
    I have bad luck. 95V6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    I hear you, but nothing will ever change if everyone keeps their opinion to themselves.

    Our founding fathers revolted against this exact same situation.
    Our founding fathers would not be able to funtion today after all that they have done to the Goverment and politics in general. I think they would be repulsed to see what has happened to the country.
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    Two planes crash into the twin towers. Both had two black boxes a piece inside.

    Every black box since they were introduced has been retreived after a crash, even in the ocean! To me the conspiracy is not finding 4 after combing through the remains of the twin towers. These boxes are pretty much indestructable, and are bright orange in color. They're about 20 inches long by a foot wide. Somehow one of the highjacker's passports lay on the sidewalk by the wtc towers, unharmed.

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  17. #17
    I have bad luck. 95V6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Somehow one of the highjacker's passports lay on the sidewalk by the wtc towers, unharmed.

    I did not know that.
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  18. #18
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    There is also other strange evidence. Such as fire fighters had reached the impact floors
    and radioed back that the fires were "minimal" and they felt that they could easily bring
    the remaining fire under control. There was no inferno. Also a number of them reported
    hearing a series of explosions just before the buildings fell. In slow motion videos there
    are what seems to be small explosions just before the collapse of each floor. And finally,
    there was a pit of molten steel that remained for months after the towers fell. Whatever
    brought down the towers was a coordinated high tech demolition.

    Whoever covered that up had something to hide.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 95V6 View Post
    I did not know that.
    Thats just the start. They also identified bodys from bone fragments the size of fingernail clippings, but those damn black boxes are tough to find!

    Quote Originally Posted by PaceFever79 View Post
    There is also other strange evidence. Such as fire fighters had reached the impact floors
    and radioed back that the fires were "minimal" and they felt that they could easily bring
    the remaining fire under control. There was no inferno. Also a number of them reported
    hearing a series of explosions just before the buildings fell. In slow motion videos there
    are what seems to be small explosions just before the collapse of each floor. And finally,
    there was a pit of molten steel that remained for months after the towers fell. Whatever
    brought down the towers was a coordinated high tech demolition.

    Whoever covered that up had something to hide.

    All the strange power outages, and evacuations prior to 9/11. There were also many vacant floors in those buildings. Marvin Bush owned the security company in charge of the wtc up until.....9/11/01.

    The towers fell at nearly freefall speed. Studies have shown a speed of 64 mph. The pancake theory is completly rediculous since the structure below the impacts were sound. All the core vertical steel beams came down in small pieces ready for quick removal on trucks/trailers. BBC reported building 7's collapse 20 minutes before it happened. It was literally in the backround when they claimed it did.
    Last edited by John4cam; 09-22-2010 at 05:36 PM.

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