Me and the fella had a deal set up to trade cars.He has my old blue Gt and wrecked it so I offered to trade my 95 GT for it.He told me what was done to the car and I told him every last detail on mine and HE AGREED to give me a set of Draglites and an intercooler setup with meter and blowoff and some other parts.
So I rent a trailer and drive 2 hrs and 45 minutes to his house.Get their and the car looks as what he said.All the parte he had were there so I decided to do the deal.Then I get the car home and start to look it over after I get the core support cut off and then it all comes to truth
1st problem ...the blower...He told me it was an S trim.He and his Dad both stood there and looked right at me when I asked" Is the impelllar curved or straight?" BOTH OF THEM SAID CURVED!!! So there is lie #1
2nd problem was told the trans was a TKO is in fact a regular 3550...have 3 texts and an email stating this
3rd problem said it was a Hurst is in fact a stock shifter...have a text stating this too
4th problem I cut out the support,reaarange the plug wires because they were in the wrong order and come to find the plugs were tappered seat plugs...Autolite 24 NOT the heads are all dug up where the washer for the 3924 seats and the thread are now tight...He is going to come on and blame SGS for this...Anyone knows aluminum heads do ont take tapered seat plugs
5th problem...after all this stuff and have to take the drive belt off because it is routed wrong because it rubs at the top of the water pump I start the motor and have 80 psi of oil press at idle...I rev it up and it twists the gauge all the way aroundpast zero,,,I'm going to assume the pump is bad
So I call him and said "Hey this blower is an A trim blower and explained the plugs to him and said that the plugs might be alright but the blower is definately the wrong one and want the difference in what these kits are worth and stated $400...which I think is more than fair and now the car isn't worth the value of what I thought it was worth.He then turns into a prick and says " I as told it was an S trim by gmkiller.....that maybe true but doesn't matter at this point...He wants to blame him...and says " that is what he is told" again...doesn't matter I asked him and his dad both and both looked right at me and said the impellar was curved knowing damn well it was straight...So I guess he is just passing his bad deal to me....I told him I can't sell this blower for what I could an s trim...He responds" not my fault you wanna make a profit off the parts on the car!" It is MY business what I do with the parts off this car..It is now MINE...He just keeps reating that over and over because he knows he lied...
So long story short he doesn't wanna fix any of this mess and I'm out...Well that is what he thinks...Keeps saying he has no money but yet he is on here posting about buying a tranny and building a 347...I'd watch dealing with the douschebag...He is a lieing thiefing POS.I am copying all texts and email and going to my lawyer with this...I aksed for a simple $400 return which wouldn't cover a 1/4 of what I'm out here and he plays text message tuff guy...
My car was as described down to every last nut and bolt...He complaings about the T5 and a stock 100,000 mile motor....HE KJNEW THIS...I told him this and then all of the suddne he says I lied and siad it was a Track Heat intake...look at me for sale add on Penn Mustangs and Corral...says Street Heat...
This guy will scam you in a heartbeat so BEWARE !!!!