I have an opportunity to buy a set of 42's right now with a 80mm meter and I'm highly concidering it. I think they will be a bit much for my current dart combo (if it makes anything over 310rwhp I'll be surprised), and I'm not sure they will be enough when I put my PTK single setup on the car with a T64e turbo (rated at 700hp max) that I already have. If it'll "get me by" now and allow me to cut my teeth with the turbo before getting crazy with a new turbo head unit, I will probably pick them up. Please let me know your thoughts. If I don't get these I'm going to run my current fuel system until I put the turbo on. I currently have a 190lph pump, kirban regulator, 24lb injectors and a 75mm MAF. I do my own tuning via an eec tuner so I am able to tune pulse width and such no matter which way I go. I figure if I stay with the 24's for now I'll bump the pressure up and widen the pulse width, and I'll do just the opposite if I run the 42's. ANy input is appreciated as I'm torn on what to do.