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Thread: 4th Annual Practice Tree Race

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  1. #1

    4th Annual Practice Tree Race

    Mark Romeo, AJ Casini, and I are holding our 4th Annual Practice Tree Race on Saturday, January 29. Further details to come, but it will be held in the New Alexandria area. It's a good time... just ask Balaska! Now that I think about it, is there anything you DIDN'T win this year, Mike?? Tree race, bracket races, Modified Champion of IHRA Division 3, and engaged to Amber.

    Pics from last year's race:

    [ame=" ootout%202010/"]3rd Annual Steel City Practice Tree Shootout 2010 pictures by steelcitydragrace - Photobucket[/ame]

    Mike, winner in the big race, with the awesome trophy and $850 cash. The final round in the $20 to enter race actually paid $1000 to win, $350 runner up, but he and Randy did a little chop on the purse.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  2. #2
    Oops helps if I put the link in..

    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  3. #3
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Belle Vernon
    I start the year off win a win and ended the year with a win

    I hope next year is just as good..

    '89 Mustang GT
    '04.5 Duramax

    Jones Race Car Trailers

  4. #4
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Natrona Heights PA
    When me and my Dad roll'd out a few years back it was a good time, um gonna tryin make it again this year.
    Steel City Muscle Cars
    Flashlight Drags
    Modded Mustangs

  5. #5
    Hope to see you, and more of you guys, there, Brent!

    We have confirmed the location: it will once again be the New Alexandria Fire Hall, 8370 Route 22, New Alexandria PA 15670. Coming from the west, it's on the left side of Route 22 about 1/4 mile past the Sheetz at 22/981. Coming from the east on 22, it's on the right about 1/2 mile past PRP.

    Doors open at 11:30, sign up, eat, racing starts at 12:30. More details to follow on fees, prizes, food, etc. We are also looking for sponsors, be it in cash, gift cards, products, services, etc. PM me if you'd like to be do something. We encourage all of our participants to support those who are supporting us. All money, gifts, etc, goes out to the participants. AJ, Mark, and I do not make any money on this event. We cover expenses and anything left gets put back into the race.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  6. #6
    Complete rules and info on the link, or in the text below. Will update as sponsors come on board, and will also announce the payouts once we work them out. We are trying to secure enough sponsorship dollars to guarantee another $1000 to win in the big race.


    Beat the winter blahs! Come out and enjoy a day filled with fierce competition on the tree. Don’t miss the event everyone is talking about until the first day of on track competition. The event will be at the New Alexandria Firemen's club, good space, easy to get to.
    Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011
    Time: Gates open at 11:30am, sign up, eat, racing starts at 12:30PM
    Place: New Alexandria Fire Hall, 8370 State Route 22, New Alexandria PA 15670. (From the west, on the left side of 22 shortly after you pass Sheetz (you will pass it and make a left to circle back to it); from the east, on the right side of 22, shortly after you pass PRP)

    Entry: Adults $5
    Children 12 and under $3
    Children 6 and under free
    You don't have to race, but everyone coming through the door will have to pay the entry/cover charge. Our menu so far:
    Fried chicken from Wal Mart
    "Polish hamburgers", courtesy of Joe Fox Jr and Sr
    Texas lasagna, courtesy of Linda Pollock
    Iced tea, lemonade, punch, water. We will not be offering soda, but you are welcome to bring your own lunch, snacks, and/or beverages (cover charge WILL still apply), but no alcohol please. This is a family oriented event, and there will be kids present.
    Email us (AJ Casini, Chuck Turocy, Mark Romeo) at if you are going to attend, if you would like to sponsor, and/or if you want to show off your mad culinary skills. We need to keep a head count to know how much food to get.
    Race 1 is $5 entry, race 2 is $20 entry.
    All races will pay back to the quartefinals, and if the purse is great enough, we will pay back further.
    Only race 2 will have buybacks, for $5. We are not looking to make a dime on this. All money will be paid back 100%. If there's anything left after expenses, it will be put into the racing.
    * Round 1 in races 1 & 2 will consist of both racers hitting the tree twice as "time trials." Round 2 and on will have no time trials.
    * All rounds with the exception of the final will be best of 3. Final round is best of 5.
    * How to enter: "Tech cards" will be sold at the door. Buy your "tech card" for each race you want to enter. Write your name CLEARLY on the ticket you hand in. If you are double entering, write #1 after your name on the first entry, #2 on the second.
    * Pairings will be randomly drawn.
    * Bye runs will be randomly drawn at the beginning of each round.
    * Racing is off of the handheld button only.
    * Racing is off of the bottom bulb only.
    * The tree is full sized, with LED bulbs.
    * Tree will be in time trial mode, or, as if both racers have the exact same dial in.
    * Rollout will be able to be set for each racer by adjusting the delay.
    * The christmas tree decides all winners, ie, if 2 racers in competition have identical reaction times, the winner is the one whose lane is flashing on the tree.
    * Double entries WILL be allowed in BOTH races!

    Thanks to our sponsors so far for their most generous donations. Prizes will be awarded as both part of the Chinese auction and in the races (TBD). Please support those who support us:

    * All Around Transportation Services/Limo Services LLC - 724-697-5466
    * Dean Racing Engines
    * E85 Carbs by AJ-

    We will be having a 50/50 drawing as well. 3 tickets for $1, an arm's length for $5, and a wingspan for $10. All money will be paid out, 60% to the winner, 40% to a second ticket.

    We will be doing a Chinese raffle for most of the generous donations from our sponsors, as follows:
    Each adult will be given 3 tickets. There will be a cup by each prize. You can choose which prize(s) you'd like to drop your ticket(s) in... you can drop all 3 in one, or spread them out.
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  7. #7
    We are proud to announce that 3 more sponsors are returning. We appreciate their support!

    Bowman Performance /

    Bob George Racing

    NAPA Auto Parts of South Greensburg / 724-834-3520

    Some more cooks are stepping us as well, and we thank them for their support and culinary skills!:

    Amy Romeo, rigatoni
    Carrie Penn, buffalo chicken dip, reuben dip
    Jeff Hann, sloppy joes
    Kimmy Whalen, veggie pizza

    Please email us at if you will be attending!
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  8. #8
    Only 24 days to the practice tree race! We welcome back returning sponsors, Brian Weaver of Weaver Race Cars, and Jason Weaver, - Brian is donating a brand new 5 gallon fuel jug to the winner of the big race, and Jason is donating a graphics package to the winner of the small race (race car number and name for your car). We appreciate their support, and they are nice additions to the prize pool! We expect more sponsors to be joining in over the next week or so, and will announce as they occur. Here is the entry list so far:

    AJ Casini
    Amanda Hoover
    Amy Romeo
    Barry & Josh Barnett
    Beth Lucci Romeo
    Bill Truby
    Bob Bauer (2)
    Bob George Racing crew (#???)
    Brian Cireddu
    Brian Lampton
    Brianna Casini
    Chelsea Boyd
    Chris Wallin
    Christine Yusko Brewer
    Chuck Turocy
    Craig Kuskie
    Dean & Linda Pollock
    Don Liberatore
    Eric Macchiaroli
    Jeffrey Hann
    Jordan Haase
    Kara Jo Bowman
    Keith Bronson & family (5)
    Kimmy Whalen
    Mark Brewer
    Mark Romeo
    Matt Cadamore
    Matt Obertanec
    Mike Balaska
    Mike Egan
    Nick Bowman
    Penrods (4)
    Rachel Kuskie
    Randy Biddle JR
    Slick Rick Baehr
    Tim Whalen
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  9. #9
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Natrona Heights PA
    Daanng looks like theirs a good bit of sponsors and people helpin out this year!
    Steel City Muscle Cars
    Flashlight Drags
    Modded Mustangs

  10. #10
    Entry list currently is below. If you plan on attending, and your name is not on the list, please email us at so we can keep our food order accurate. We hope to see you there!

    AJ Casini
    Amanda Hoover
    Amy Romeo
    Barry & Josh Barnett
    Beth & Dave Boyd
    Beth Lucci Romeo
    Bill Truby
    Bill Turk
    Bob Bauer (2)
    Bob George Racing crew (#???)
    Bob Jones
    Bob Singer
    Brian Cireddu
    Brian Lampton
    Brianna Casini
    Chelsea Boyd
    Chris Wallin
    Christine Yusko Brewer
    Chuck Turocy
    Craig Kuskie
    Curt Valtman
    Dean & Linda Pollock
    Don Liberatore
    Doug Lynden
    Eric Macchiaroli
    Greg Miller
    Jeffrey Hann & sons
    Jen Whalen
    Jennifer Heming
    Joe Devola
    Joe Fox Jr
    Joe Fox Sr
    Joey Pinskey
    Jordan Haase
    Jose Diaz
    Kara Jo Bowman
    Keith Bronson & family (5)
    Kevin Whalen
    Kimmy Whalen & Rob
    Lou Greco
    Mark Brewer
    Mark Romeo
    Matt Cadamore
    Matt Obertanec
    Matt Powell
    Michelle Casini
    Mike Balaska
    Mike and Michael Barnyk
    Mike Egan
    Nick Bowman
    Penrods (4)
    Penn family -Rich, Carrie, Kyle, Kayla
    Rachel Kuskie
    Randy Biddle JR
    Rick Pearson
    Rob Morris
    Scotty "SUPERMAN" Campbell
    Slick Rick Baehr
    Sonya DiRienzo
    Steve Iddings
    Tim Whalen
    Vanessa Noon
    Vasbinder family
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  11. #11
    6 days away!

    AJ, Mark, and I are very happy to announce that Pittsburgh Raceway Park is now the presenting sponsor of the 4th Annual Steel City Practice Tree Shootout! PRP is donaing $200 to the big race purse.

    So, without an entry purchased yet, thanks to our sponsors, there is already $500 in the big race purse to be won. 75 entries in the big race will mean $1000 to the winner - pretty sweet for a $20 entry, a $5 lunch, and a really good time! Please email us at if you will attend
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

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