It's on the History channel. Seems ok so far, but I much rather prefer the brits.
It's on the History channel. Seems ok so far, but I much rather prefer the brits.
2016 Chevrolet Volt
2010 Jetta TDi Cup Edition
1964 Lincoln Continental
And 5 other things that don't run
Ya it sucked.
Sorry I mean it currently sucks.
wait... there's an american version of top gear?
i do like it with Jeremy in it better but i thought it was pretty good. They had cool cars for the first episode and I thought it was pretty funny what they did with the viper and the cobra helicopter. Also Tanner Foust (one of the hosts and a professional driver) is an awesome driver im sure he'll be doing some crazy stuff throughout the season
It was Ok..but their attempts at being funny was a FAIL. The fat guy with a Beard is just annoying to watch and listen to. He seems better suited to review Need For Speed then cars. I bet the real topgear guys are over there laughing at this show
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
I agree that most of the wit and subtle humor that the show has come to be known for is lost in the American version. There is a reason why the show has come to America twice now and failed both times. This would be attempt number three.
But, Tanner Foust is one hell of a driver and they did some cool things with some cool cars so I can't completely discredit it.
It aired one episode people and wasn't really bad. Yes, it's not going to be exactly like the original. Christ, the original has been airing for forever now. Look past that the show has different hosts and humor, you start to see that it's actually not all bad.
If anything, we just have two versions to watch now.
Last edited by stieny; 11-22-2010 at 11:34 AM.
'15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport
Put top gear UK in it's place so us poor people without speed can watch it lol.
2019 Tesla Model 3 Performance
Big Fail. Hosts who know nothing about the cars they are driving and aren't the least bit funny.
'04 Mach 1. Built. Turbo. 667whp/631wtq
'06 Focus. Built. Turbo. WMI. 12.43 @ 115 (sold)
'03 Mach 1 : 12.61 @ 106.59 (sold)
he's into that, that spiritual stuff. <><
Hmm, I didn't realize this was on, I'll have to check it out next week. I'm sure it won't be as good as the original, but hey, it's a prime time car show, how you gonna complain about that? I'm sure it's better than most of the other garbage that's on tv.
2015 Charger Hellcat
2.4" upper pulley, ID1300 injectors, BAP, E85 tune, Cat Delete Pipes, One Piece Drive Shaft, Diff Brace, 305/35/20 555R's for the street and 305/45/18 MT ET Street R's for the track. 9.97@142 Best ET
85 GT
Heads and Cam plus other bolt ons
73 F250
Lifted, 35's, 460 4spd
Real name = Ray
American Top Gear
2004 SVT Cobra - sold
2000 Yamaha R1
2006 Yamaha R1 - Raven
10.89 @ 127.6 1.61 60' with a ported Eaton
If we had never seen the original version we might have a different opinion.
If the US version was given time and allowed to develop it's own personality it might turn into something. They are simply trying to be a copy of the original then force in scripted humor, and that will never work with these clowns. They do not have a Clarkson type personality to hold it together. Watching the BBC version you never think that it's scripted, they just have such good chemistry together.
yes i agree , but i am glad they are at least trying ,i watched it and will continue to do so
95 gt 11.3 @ 126
68 f100 SB soon to be coyote powered
12 GT 6m cobra jet powered 11.4 @124
90 lx supercharged 440 rwhp on 8 lbs
17 f150 crew cab coyote powered
hahah holy hell everyone hates it i dont think its that bad at all i actually liked the first episode. better than jersey shore and all the other shithole tv shows people watch these days
"$650 for a cupholder. I don't know what the Italian translation is for 'bullshit,' but I imagine it fits that pretty well."
I'm just glad its not 3 guys that go "WOW ITS AN AMAZING CAR" just cause its a lambo. I love that they dis it, for good reason. Its not completely 3 guys that are mesmerized by vertical doors and shiny and weavy things. But yeah, epic beard man should go.
2016 Chevrolet Volt
2010 Jetta TDi Cup Edition
1964 Lincoln Continental
And 5 other things that don't run
The hosts suck at teh funnay. Tanner Foust is alright because he is a good driver and knows what hes talking about but the other two suck.