Is there anyone on here or could be recommended from here that could look at or knows the internals of the Ford AOD ?
Is there anyone on here or could be recommended from here that could look at or knows the internals of the Ford AOD ?
Last edited by roush08; 11-24-2010 at 03:01 PM. Reason: corrected
It does sound like an install issue to me.
Some basic things to check:
Did you check to see if fluid level is correct?
Did you ask what type of fluid was used and is that correct kind?
Did you check the cooling lines to make sure they're not kinked/bent/etc?
Look at the bottom of the trans pan. Is it dented in a way that would prevent fluid from being sucked up by the pump?
Does that trans use a TV cable or just manual shifting all the time?
Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................
Buy Made in the USA - It Matters.
I would have thought if it were an install issue, it may not have gone through the gears at all.
Last edited by roush08; 11-24-2010 at 03:01 PM. Reason: corrected
I had double checked with previous owner the type of fluid that was run in there prior to install so I had some on hand. There were no kinks in the lines or dents in the pan.
Doesn't sound like an install use to me. Was it a mechanic that did the install? The tv cable will burn up a AOD if not setup correct but you should know by the way it shifts when in drive if it is that far off that something isn't right. There is nothing to the install to really cause it to break that fast. You can install that thing upside down and it would have ran longer then that.