Just a matter of time.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8gJSMoOJc&feature=sub"]YouTube - The Day the Dollar Died[/ame]
Just a matter of time.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8gJSMoOJc&feature=sub"]YouTube - The Day the Dollar Died[/ame]
wtf just happened? i dont understand any of this shit hahaha
Wow... very good video.
For those who think that hyperinflation can only happen to places far far away (Zimbabwe), think again. Mismanagement by leadership can lead any economy to fall.
The scary part about this video is that if you think about it, there are several key points in here that need to be addressed by all of us so that something like this can't happen:
1) China owns the US (in that they own the debt)
2a) The US's GNP as a percentage of the GWP is shrinking,
2b) (EDIT to add this point) - The US economy has dramatically shifted in the last 50 years from a commodity economy to a service economy. When you don't make a physical object, your worth is based more on perception.
3) Oil is a major commodity and is being traded in US dollars because of the perception of strength of the dollar. This is something I have noticed living in Canada with the oil up here. The general trend is as the oil prices go up so does the Canadian Dollar relative to the US. Remember in October/November 2007 when oil was well over 100 a barrel? I do, because the Canadian dollar was worth *more* than the US dollar.
My only regret is that I didn't get into gold 10 years ago when it was under 300 an ounce. :(
Last edited by phillysrt4; 11-29-2010 at 10:04 PM.
All 3800 fiat paper currency's have failed in history. People think it can't happen in my lifetime......it can, and most likely will.
Wow... i've been looking around this site some more (inflation.us the people who brought this video) and their pdf on food prices has some sound logic behind it.
Thank You Billy Clinton for the CRA!
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Funny, they now applaud Nigel, when he brought this up before the shizz starting hitting the fan he was booed and ridiculed...
Looks like he had some insight, and some people on SCS might have said he was 'wearing a tin foil hat'. Funny how things change when people wake up!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bypLwI5AQvY"]YouTube - Nigel Farage harangues EU President Herman van Rompuy[/ame]
Last edited by 83dropboy; 11-29-2010 at 11:53 PM.
QE2 explained:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k"]YouTube - Quantitative Easing Explained[/ame]
I think it's a foregone conclusion that our fiat money system will collapse sooner rather than later. What people who care about our freedom and economic stability should be working toward is a plan on what will replace it.
Any plan for recovery that comes from our government will entail total immersion into a global system, sovereignty be damned.
I hope there are enough honest, freedom loving patriots out there with the expertise to formulate an honest money system, tax system, and ultimately, new government.
I honestly sit and wonder sometimes how the beacon of light for the whole world has been reduced to our current sad state.
What's amazing is, the founders of this country knew the dangers that lay ahead and wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights to limit government. They had seen the tyranny of empires ruled by an elitist class. They put the formula for success right in our founding documents, but we've strayed far and wide from them.
For those who read this and fail to see how far we've strayed, think about this simple fact.
The Constitution says Congress will print the currency. They can print and distribute our currency interest free. Instead, we have a system where the right to print our currency has been handed over to a cabal of "for profit" banks, known collectively as the Federal Reserve. They print the currency and loan it to the government with interest. This simple fact should lead anyone with even an inkling of curiosity to find out why such a horrible deal for the people of this country was struck.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7auQEXTWomA&feature=related"]YouTube - Creature from Jekyll Island 1 of 12[/ame]
You have to watch the whole series of vids to watch all this, but it's worth the knowledge.
I think the most important thing we need to focus on is a strategy to maintain our sovereignty- even over and above developing a monetary system to replace our current one. Gold and silver have served as currency for thousands of years so I think they can support an economy in the short term. With so many foreign countries diversifying into more stable fiat currencies in addition to hard currencies (gold, silver, commodities with a physical presence) and away from the dollar, its going to be very bad when (not if everyone, when) the dollar collapses. There is a very real threat that foreign countries will be able to come in and buy our land (and with it any yet to be developed resources along with our food supply) and (what's left of) our manufacturing corporations (along with their tech advancements) for next to nothing. If that happens our sovereignty will be nonexistent.
IMO, the *only* way to attempt to stem the tide is for everyone to do their part and diversify our own individual wealth into physical commodities (gold. silver, etc) so that when the collapse happens and hyperinflation hits we can mitigate the impact of foreign interests that will swoop in and take from the unprepared.
They were setting up the North American union during the G.W.Bush years. Could you imagine Canada, America, and Mexico as one? It would just be the pre-amble to one world governance. Now we have to hear about how great Bush's new book is when he himself was ripping the Constitution to pieces, just like Obama is now doing.
To be honest I was thinking a similar thought not too long ago. It seemed rather odd that the Canadian and US dollars were trading very close to parity and it was about 10:1 peso/dollar. Combine this with lax border patrol and the setting is ripe to say "lets just peg everything". Next thing you know our currency would be the "amero" in order to compete with europe and china.
Speaking of bush and obama, it absolutely amazes me how many people can't understand my disdain for both of them. The media has so brainwashed people into this whole "if youre not X then you're automatically Y" mentality that people can't understand you when you mention that both X and Y suck or you propose Z. Its this whole "you must be X or Y" mentality that allows the perfect distraction of americans to real issues. Well, that and big media pushing stories of no importance. Michael Jackson's death deserved (at BEST) 15 minutes of news coverage then it should have been back to real news. Instead we get bombarded for almost two weeks forcing me to get real news from internet sources exclusively instead of using big media as a springboard to search for my own news and information.
The repeal of the Glass - Steagall by Clinton put the ball in motion for the globalist to destroy the dollar.
The recent 'Food Safety Act' is just another form of government tyranny. There is so much BS written into this law, you can be fined or arrested for growing your own food! You would think people were dropping dead left and right due to bad food or something. It does not benefit the American Public, only big Agri-business like Monsanto and their GMO poison.
Greece, Ireland, next is Portugal, then Spain, and we are not far behind. The good news is that these Europeans are really waking up and taking it to the streets. Our media spins it as 'they are big babies and mad they have to work until they are 57' but that is not even close to the truth. they have realized they are economic slaves to these central banks and they want out.
I have faith in our nation, but not our government. The last hope I have is that Ron Paul will win the presidency in 2012.
Last edited by 83dropboy; 12-02-2010 at 02:22 PM.