When your searching the internet to find threads and info on a car you have way to much time on your hands,lol.
When your searching the internet to find threads and info on a car you have way to much time on your hands,lol.
Oh wow nick well for one ahh there's money. Involved and for two I haven't met a honest grudge racer... when it comes down to the racing part so ahh yea nick I think you have grudge racing confused with bracket racing cuz the object in grudge/noet racing is getting the Win and the cash and not making your opponent look to bad in the process well IMO. Anyways
Not yet. I had the nhra inspector certify it first now painting the roll cage then they'll go in. Hows yours coming along?
Nice pic Tom!
and to this guy up here ^ , L'anglais est votre langue maternelle? J'espère que non
edit: Also, i'm sure everyone is interested in what you have... you should throw up a NewB thread with some info....
Last edited by SonofaBish; 01-19-2011 at 04:57 PM.
2015 Corvette Z06
- Shark Grey / Kalahari
- bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)
Awesome! I gotta check it out next time I make a trip up your way.