My daily summer driver is due for some plugs. Do these E3 plugs work? Are they worth the money or just buy the stock plugs?
My daily summer driver is due for some plugs. Do these E3 plugs work? Are they worth the money or just buy the stock plugs?
2013 GT Premium Auto 3.15 gear
American Racing Rims
SCT Programmer with Bama tune
2002 Mustang GT --Sold
HorsePower TV says yes :)
I've always wanted to here some real world feedback, I use standard Motorcraft stockers on the DDs.
Autolite racing on the LX, never saw the point in using an expensive plug in it for as often as they're changed.
'91 LX Bimini Blue
427"/88mm on 16psi
'99 Contour SVT
Clean DD