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Thread: Bridgestone Revo 2 or Nitto Crosstek?

  1. #1
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Bridgestone Revo 2 or Nitto Crosstek?

    The F150 caught a bolt right at the corner of the tread and shoulder, looks ominous. I've been putting off new tires for about 6 months, now I gotta do it. I've had Revo 2's on it since 07 at 12k, I'm at a staggering 32k now - it doesn't get driven much. Usually I do tirerack or discounttire, but they don't really save me anything anymore and I'd rather just get it done rather than wait a week. Firestone quoted me 950 for the Revo's and NTB said 850 for the Nittos. Looks like these CrossTek's just came out recently, anyone try them or know someone who has?

    If it comes down to the Revo's I can get them shipped for 730 (roadway wholesale) then figure $80 or so to mount/balance. Last time I did that I got three and had to wait a week while they looked for the lost 4th.

    Wife is due on the 23rd and the truck is going to be the baby hauler so I ain't got time to screw around.
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  2. #2
    Member chevydad's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    what size are you looking for? and where ya located?

  3. #3
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    265/70R17. I'm in Bethel Park.
    Live free or die

  4. #4
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    It's bridgestone or nothing....

  5. #5
    Member chevydad's Avatar
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    dont waste your money on the nittos. i only got 20k out out of my 285/70/17 10ply nittos. and i paid 800 out the door mounted and balanced for them. i can give you the guys number but hes out my way. probably atleast an hr drive for you. discount tire has a place in ohio right maybe its would work out to be cheaper to drive there and get them. plus i think they have a 100 dollar reward card on the bridgestone now too. or try tread depot

  6. #6
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Nearest discounttire is in Columbus, waaaaay too far. Latrobe is a maybe, I can always go with the spare, not sure how far I'll make it with this bolt in the tire. Firestone has the $100 card and has 15% off some Dueler A/T's so I'll stop by in the morning and see what they can do.

    I know some people have a hard time keeping Nitto's balanced, these Duelers haven't been touched since they were mounted. I've only got 20K out of the Duelers, just took me over 4 yrs to get there so it's not too bad. I don't think they like 80+ MPH.
    Live free or die

  7. #7
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Export, PA
    dullers are garbage, I went through 3 sets, roughly 20k each set and they were dead. Have firestone destination at's now, 15k miles roughly and still look close to new, I have high hopes for them! Ride is incredible too, ALOT smoother then the duellers.
    07 Silverado
    05 R6

    Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O

  8. #8
    Member chevydad's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    the guy i use has a small shop and orders what you want. he doesnt stock tires. i think it took 2 or 3 days to get my nittos. if you want the number ill give it to you.

    edit actuall here is his website. he does other stuff too.

  9. #9
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Ended up just going to Firestone and getting the Revo's. All said and done the tires, mounting, balancing, alignment ($60!!!), and the rebate was about $60 more than just getting the tires shipped.

    Just couldn't pull the trigger on the Nitto's. They're not on Nitto's site and it seems they may have been made just for NTB, no one else sells them. NTB doesn't rank up there with places I trust either.
    Live free or die

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