Anyone know of a place around that would be able to weld or solder a fuel rail for me? I am piecing together two fuel rails to make a returnless rail a return rail for a motor swap.
Anyone know of a place around that would be able to weld or solder a fuel rail for me? I am piecing together two fuel rails to make a returnless rail a return rail for a motor swap.
Last edited by CollinsPC; 04-14-2011 at 10:44 AM. Reason: pics added
This should probably be in general tech. If a mod would move it please, sorry!
I think I know what you're wanting to do, but you can have the rails off my '98 return parts car if that help?
Call you either way this weekend.
'91 LX Bimini Blue
427"/88mm on 16psi
'99 Contour SVT
Clean DD