Looking for a used verizon smart phone. Preferably a droid 2 or similar. But let me know if anyone has anything or knows anyone else selling a phone. Thanks everyone!
Looking for a used verizon smart phone. Preferably a droid 2 or similar. But let me know if anyone has anything or knows anyone else selling a phone. Thanks everyone!
03 Cobra=slow show car...
13 F-150 Limited
saw one get posted up on yellow bullet yesterday under the misc section.
compusa has a special for a Droid X for $0 (this is with a contract of course)
There was a Droid Incredible for sale on yb but it sold. Thanks though. And yea I'm trying to find my g/f a phone while she is still under her 2 year contract until August, but her phone is dead so I'm trying to find a used one to get her to then.![]()
03 Cobra=slow show car...
13 F-150 Limited
flea bay may have a few.
I just got my new contract phones a couple weeks ago and have my HTC Imaggio smartphone that is probably less than a year old (it was replaced under warranty). Let me know if thats something you would be interested in.
Thanks everyone for the help and offers! Ended up finding an original droid that i couldnt pass up the price on.
03 Cobra=slow show car...
13 F-150 Limited