Hey guys, need some help once again.

I got my first dog Sunday, from Pet smart Adopting weekend in Robinson. Honestly other than house breaking he is PERFECT. Doesn't bark, chew on chairs etc except house breaking. Ive been reading up and watching the Dog Whisper but I need help.

I need to get him to the vet for a few reasons. One, to determine what he is. The volunteers working the tent didn't know allot about the dogs other than what was on the sheet. Two, they say he is a Beagle Mix, 3 years old, Stray.I highly doubt he was a stray, if he was not for long. He is about 20 lbs and about 2 ft high, and not 3 years old at all. Also he is not neutered but up to date on all shots, worms etc. His stool is Little wet, green and brown. My sister said it might be him adjusting to new food, stomach problem etc. I hope nothing serious. I saw him eat grass the other day, and heard they do that when they have stomach issue. Also he has a head cold, and oinks like a pig. Hopefully vet can help.

I got him a chain for the back yard, and I am trying to reward him when he goes outside. When I got home from the gym tonight, he had pooped EVERYWHERE. I cleaned it with Resolve Pet Cleaner to get the smell out so he doest go there again. I have pee pads out but he thinks they are a bed. I havent yelled or put his face in it, Ive read all about how bad (and dumb) that is.

Now, now its asking allot but I would really like not to create him. I just don't like it, my sisters dog is created I don't like it.

ANY help, tips ANYTHING would help. PLEASE!!!!!!