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Thread: Oil pressure issues

  1. #1
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Oil pressure issues

    I'm posting this on behalf of Vitaleffects. He sent his block out to clean prepped for a new crankshaft. The place installed new cam bearings and sold him new pistons, main bearings, etc. Eric decided to put the rotating assembly together himself. Well the issue is that the car starts fine, runs great for the first 10-15 minutes, then the oil pressure drops to zero. Ugh.

    Well after some research he decided that the high volume pump was the source of him problems. Today we installed a new Ford racing pump and shaft, put the thing back together, and we still have the same problem. Double ugh.

    2015 GTPP

  2. #2
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    Sounds like he forgot one of the 7 oil plugs. There are 3 plugs in the rear of the block,
    3 in the front timing chain area, and 1 in the top rear of the lifter valley.

    If the block was tanked one of them maybe missing.

  3. #3
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    Most likely it's not one of the rear plugs as oil would be running out the bell housing.

    So that leaves the 3 up front and the one in the lifter valley.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by venom View Post
    I'm posting this on behalf of Vitaleffects. He sent his block out to clean prepped for a new crankshaft. The place installed new cam bearings and sold him new pistons, main bearings, etc. Eric decided to put the rotating assembly together himself. Well the issue is that the car starts fine, runs great for the first 10-15 minutes, then the oil pressure drops to zero. Ugh.

    Well after some research he decided that the high volume pump was the source of him problems. Today we installed a new Ford racing pump and shaft, put the thing back together, and we still have the same problem. Double ugh.

    cam bearing oil holes lined up ????
    JUNK IT!

  5. #5
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    did you check the bearings? sounds like exactly what my piece of shit DSS motor did when i bought it and it blew apart in 750 miles. Main bearings were gone on a 2500$ motor.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  6. #6
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Talked to Eric last night. It sounds like he is going to take the motor out and send it to the machine shop for them to fix it. He won't be at Carlisle this year. Sucks.
    2015 GTPP

  7. #7
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    I've seen this happen before. If low pressure presented itself during the initial start I'm
    pretty sure they either left out one of the plugs in the cam galley, or one of them came
    loose. The plugs are just pressed in like little freeze plugs.

    If one was missing the mains and rods get oiled, then pressure bleeds off and starves
    the cam and valvetrain. If you have everything lubed up with cam lube and didn't run
    it too long, it may not have done any internal damage.

    Best to let the machine shop sort it out.

  8. #8
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Thanks Pace. Good or bad, the car has been started atleast 10 times, and each time it ran for 10 minutes before pressure dropped to zero.

    The plug idea is good, but I think you are right that we would see low pressure from the moment we started it.

    Time to yank it!!!
    2015 GTPP

  9. #9
    Hi! I'M DAKS #1 BITCH! TooFast98Cobra's Avatar
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    who is the said machine shop?

  10. #10
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    did you try a different gauge?

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

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  11. #11
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooFast98Cobra View Post
    who is the said machine shop?
    Bill-I think he is going to try SMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by somethingclever View Post
    did you try a different gauge?
    John-We tried two different gauges after the first time the factory gauge dropped. We were hoping the factory unit was junk, but that doesnt seem to be the case.
    2015 GTPP

  12. #12
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    I'd still pull the timing chain cover and intake just to see if an oil plug is
    missing. If they are there then pull the long block for rebuild.

    If one of the plugs inside is leaking it can hold 15-20 lbs of pressure until
    the oil thins out after warming up and then it drops to zero.

    Think of it as a percentage of pressure bleed.

  13. #13
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaceFever79 View Post
    I'd still pull the timing chain cover and intake just to see if an oil plug is
    missing. If they are there then pull the long block for rebuild.

    If one of the plugs inside is leaking it can hold 15-20 lbs of pressure until
    the oil thins out after warming up and then it drops to zero.

    Think of it as a percentage of pressure bleed.
    It's worth a try for sure!!!
    2015 GTPP

  14. #14
    Ok guys I pulled off the lower intake and the back oil plug looked a lil funny so I very very lightly taped on it and it dropped a 8th of a inch could that be it

  15. #15
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    It should be snug, like a freeze plug.

    Replace the plug, then put it back together and try it.

    If that doesn't cure it, pull the timing cover and inspect the front plugs.

  16. #16
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    To answer your question, it could be the problem.

    If it was loose it would leak more as the oil thins out with heat.

    If it was missing you would never build any pressure.

  17. #17
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Should have checked plugs before rippin the entire car apart yesterday. :) Put it back together and try man. You should have it ready to go by noon....We will be waiting for an update.
    2015 GTPP

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