Nope it's my car my name is Mel Smith
Last edited by AdamantiumSilvr; 05-11-2011 at 12:02 AM.
Steel City Muscle Cars
Flashlight Drags
Modded Mustangs
Some strangness around those however. Some small glitches to be worked out, but as Ed said, much easier to see. Check out how they show in video though ... must be some scan rate to them or something as they look like they flash and show sort of different numbers in videos (The pass was 111 mph, video sort of looks like 114, and Dave and Chuck both swore it was 117 live ...
[ame="¤t=1stCapriPass2011.mp4"]1stCapriPass2011.mp4 video by martin0660pb - Photobucket[/ame]
Markie has posted here, blew my mind because Chuck is CobraII and Markie is like Cobra II or something darned near the same. I've not seen him post much but he does have an account.