To all my friends and all The people I don't know.
Yesterday I was involved In a accident, Driving my sisters infiniti Taking our friends home. We were hit by a drunk driver As we were making a right hand turn. After she hit The car it took me a few sec to realize what happend. I then looked out the back window and seen she had tryed to run. I threw The car in revirse and started to chase her, At some piont she was doing 80mph and going in and out of traffic also taking all kinda back streets trying to get away Wile I had My sister kelly call 911 and get that plate number. We flew past a cop and I was beeping and flashing the high beems pointed to her car and wile the cop got behind me He then reaized I was hit and got behind the drunk driver, She almost didnt wanna stop for them but she did. After about 10 cop cars showed up They put her in cuffs and took her to jail. I did go to the hospital because of neck pain. Everyone else was ok. The car was towed away after that and I don't think it can be fixed..