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Thread: tubular k member?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    washington pa

    tubular k member?

    what do you guys think of these?
    the neighbor is selling one brand new for 250 bucks and it comes with
    spring perches. i looked at it last night still in the box.
    i heard that the welds break if its a cheap one is that true?
    i cant remember the name of it but i seen it on 50resto.
    heres the link. since the powertrain is out of my car right now i figured it would be the perfect time to get rid of the heavy bulky stocker.

    appreciate any input.

  2. #2
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    Now is the time to do it man!! Do some research before buying something. Hands down Maximum Motorsports is the right unit to buy, but its wicked expensive. Other companies actually tell you their k-members are not meant for street cars...but there are hundreds of guys running these on the streets. Who knows.

    Also watch out for k-members that extend the wheelbase. Extended wheelbase=cutting front fenders usually. I personally like my PA Racing k, but my car hasnt been out of the garage yet. :(
    2015 GTPP

  3. #3
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    x2 on Maximum Motorsports. All the stuff they make is top notch.

    Agent47 makes nice stuff too, not sure if they have tubular K frames though.
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

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  4. #4
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannythekid View Post
    x2 on Maximum Motorsports. All the stuff they make is top notch.

    Agent47 makes nice stuff too, not sure if they have tubular K frames though.
    Unless it is a drag car exclusively, I would run nothing but MM, Griggs, or Agent 47. Most of the others are junk IMO. Coming from a guy who only goes around turns though, so take it for what its worth (not much).
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  5. #5
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    I dont see why it wouldnt be safe for the street if drag cars with tubular k's are pullin the wheels a foot off the ground then slammin back down with no issues
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  6. #6
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White5.0 View Post
    I dont see why it wouldnt be safe for the street if drag cars with tubular k's are pullin the wheels a foot off the ground then slammin back down with no issues

    Two issues with that thought process ... most drag cars dont slam them back down (if done right ;) ) and drag cars dont see the side and shock loads that a street car does ... very different dynamic.

    That all said, I've seen LOTS of cars live long lives with tubular k-members of most makes ... Whatever you do avoid Grannacopy, the rest are what they are.
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  7. #7
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    I am not trying to say the thing will break the day you put it on, but after seeing them up close, I wouldn't even think about putting anything besides the three I mentioned on a car. They see ridiculous load paths through them, not just under cornering loads, but braking, hitting potholes, etc. If you want another part to brag about to friends I guess the cheaper ones are fine, which I suspect is how most end up on cars (and header clearance).
    2014 Mustang GT Stock and for sale
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  8. #8
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Yep now is the time to do it but like the guys mentioned, if its a true street/DD type I would want the beefier/engineered unit like MM. Otherwise, know the risk and keep up on inspection IMO.
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

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