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Thread: 6-71 Blower on a 5.0 - What a pain

  1. #1
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    6-71 Blower on a 5.0 - What a pain

    I'm setting up a 6-71 blower on a 5.0 engine and it's turning into a real
    treat. I picked up a engine cradle and wanted to do a mock-up before
    trying to installing it on the car. I have a spare engine so I'm using that as a ginnie pig. I must admit it's sort of fun to figure out one problem after the other. Now I discovered that the idler pulley for the supercharger belt and the stock belt tensioner want to occupy the same space.
    And finding parts for installing a 6-71 on a small block Ford is next to impossible. I'll get some pic's and post them.

  2. #2
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    are you building this for a hot rod or nostalgic reasons? does seem like a pain in the pass when theres better options out there that bolt on.......
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  3. #3
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    oldfox... have you ever looked at "big al's" up in the northeast? i know he builds small block ford blower motors and he might be able to help you out. here is the link to his website...

    i know a guy he ran a 302 with a 671 in his street rod, put like 30k+ miles on it with little issues

  4. #4
    loud n' proud 95riosnake's Avatar
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    This company makes kits to put roots blowers on 302's... they might be of some help in sourcing parts you need.


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  5. #5
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    Hi, Yes a few places have parts for the older 302 that's what I'm working with now there's a few things that are different on the later 5.0
    It's hard to find a lower pulley set up and the older 302 intake needs to have the hole for the heater tubes enlarged and retaped. And the idler pulley will be in the same spot as the stock tension pulley. When you go to there web sight look at the picture of the Ford set up and check out the lower pulley it's for a single V-belt. I have over come most of these so far. But I'm still working on getting everything ready for the final install.
    I called Big Als (-thanks for the tip-) and asked about keeping the serpentine belt set up But he basically said he couldn't do it. --nuts--I never asked about the keeping the air.

    Quote Originally Posted by travj31 View Post
    oldfox... have you ever looked at "big al's" up in the northeast? i know he builds small block ford blower motors and he might be able to help you out. here is the link to his website...

    i know a guy he ran a 302 with a 671 in his street rod, put like 30k+ miles on it with little issues
    Last edited by oldfox; 06-01-2011 at 03:34 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    I'm going to retire this car from being my daily driver and just use it as a toy for the cruise ins and stuff like that. And you are right there are a lot of better options to go with. I have a kenne Bell on the car now and it's great for a daily driver.
    Quote Originally Posted by jaa55 View Post
    are you building this for a hot rod or nostalgic reasons? does seem like a pain in the pass when theres better options out there that bolt on.......
    Last edited by oldfox; 06-01-2011 at 02:49 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    If anyone is interested I can post some pictures of what needs to be done to get a 6-71
    to fit on a 5.0 if you want to keep the original factory serpentine belt and air conditioning set up

    Come to think of it I have never seen a 6-71 blower set up with a serpentine belt still in place
    Last edited by oldfox; 06-01-2011 at 03:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldfox View Post
    If anyone is interested I can post some pictures of what needs to be done to get a 6-71
    to fit on a 5.0 if you want to keep the original factory serpentine belt and air conditioning set up

    Come to think of it I have never seen a 6-71 blower set up with a serpentine belt still in place
    It isn't going to happen, just too many things trying to occupy the same space. If you want a 6-71 on the car, I really don't see the need for air or the serpentine setup, can't imagine driving a car you can't see out of very often.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    Think I have the solution for one of the problems. Instead of two objects occupying the same space how about using some unused space? I kept looking at this beast and figured I would try dropping the factory tension pulley down just a little. I drilled and taped out the mounting bracket a little lower and then I figured how much to rotate it so the stock belt would be the right length. Then I drilled out a smaller hole for the mounting tooth to go in and it worked. The tension indicator is right in the middle
    So much for that problem. It is a little close to the alternator bracket but it clears buy 1/4 inch and that's non moving parts. It looks like the belt is touching the bolt but the bolt is sitting behind the belt so it's OK. On to the next challenge

    Last edited by oldfox; 06-01-2011 at 07:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    I turned the top pulley around so it sticks out farther and had a spacer made for the
    lower pulley that goes on the face of the factory pulley to keep all the stock accessories lined up. All the pulleys including the blower pulleys lined up perfect.
    Lucked out and hit it on the first shot.

  12. #12
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    how do you get away with a car like this in PA, how do you title it to pass inspection?
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  13. #13
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    Pretty sure blower / carbs sticking out the hood is illegal and will get you pulled over
    enough to ruin the fun. You'll have to cover it with a scoop to be legal.

  14. #14
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaa55 View Post

    how do you get away with a car like this in PA, how do you title it to pass inspection?
    I'm not in PA I'm in WV I have set of fake cats for inspection
    in WV they just look no emission testing
    I pass every year everything works

  15. #15
    Senior Member oldfox's Avatar
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    Yea, Your right this will never work I should just stop working on this and hang my head and just walk away. Trying to figure out problems and solutions are just to hard. Thanks for showing me the light
    I like my air on a hot day and it only takes a few extra hours to figure out how to make it work and I only got to do it once and I'm set. And I like the stock serpentine set up it has proven to be a reliable set up.
    I have taken this car on some long trips and having air was nice when I was stuck in traffic in Tampa on a hot day. We have allready had some hot days here. I plan on driving this on hot days

    This will work

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Aubele View Post
    It isn't going to happen, just too many things trying to occupy the same space. If you want a 6-71 on the car, I really don't see the need for air or the serpentine setup, can't imagine driving a car you can't see out of very often.
    Last edited by oldfox; 06-01-2011 at 10:08 PM.

  16. #16
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldfox View Post
    This will work

    Have you looked into any of the aftermarket pulley systems? For example, March makes a serpentine set-up that uses a rod as the tensioner on the alternator versus the spring loaded ...

    I saw a real exotic set-up somewhere that moved everything outside on a big billet bracket ... Cant remeber who made it, but that March stuff looks promising if i'm understanding your problem
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  17. #17
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    I would put a button head bolt on the tensioner Oldfox....still too close to an expensive blower belt IMO.

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  18. #18
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldfox View Post
    Yea, Your right this will never work I should just stop working on this and hang my head and just walk away. Trying to figure out problems and solutions are just to hard. Thanks for showing me the light
    I like my air on a hot day and it only takes a few extra hours to figure out how to make it work and I only got to do it once and I'm set. And I like the stock serpentine set up it has proven to be a reliable set up.
    I have taken this car on some long trips and having air was nice when I was stuck in traffic in Tampa on a hot day. We have allready had some hot days here. I plan on driving this on hot days

    This will work
    Good luck then. I guess I am just to young to see the point of paying more money for less power (over a turbo), and having a blower sticking through the hood. Go for it though, you will certainly have something different.
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  19. #19
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    I was at a car show and the car that took best in show was a rather ordinary Fox
    with a polished 671 blower. You can't beat the bling of that blower!

  20. #20
    Senior Member bluenotch's Avatar
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    oldfox i think its gonna be badass keep us updated with pics and info

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