Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
Eh, you gotta do what's best for you ... don't let other people spend or save your money... b/c its really easy to spend someone else's money... If its more important at this point to have a truck, then that's the bottom line...

No matter what anyone says, there's plenty of '03/'04 Cobra's out there... you will be able to get one again... and that time may be shorter than you can realize at this point...

I sold a car i swore i'd never sell, all because it was to achieve something greater.. my T/A was a one of a kind, and really was a great ride... at the time, i'd never in a million years have imagined that i'd be in a C5 'Vette about a year later...

You never know what's going to happen in the future.. you gotta do what's best for you financially ... and ONLY YOU know what's best ...

Good luck.. you'll miss the car if you sell it, for sure... but life is full of hard decisions
thanks for all the good advice, i love the car to death, but if an offer comes i cant refuse ill let it go but for now im gonna hold onto it and keep drivin the windstar