long story short, i got everything in the car and it running finally. everything seemed good, all except white smoke!!!! i figured maybe from the car sitting so long. well it didnt stop.
so i pumped the cooling system with 16lbs of pressure and it would not hold at all. so i pulled the spark plugs, 5,6,7 were full of anitfreeze. i figured head gasket, so i pulled the heads, the head gaskets looked fine, and checked for warpage. Nothing!
so i took the heads to a machine shop to have pressure tested, well the guy called and said they were perfectly flat and didnt need milled. but when he pumped air into the heads he found that the valves in 5 6 7 were blowing air past. he said thats where my antifreeze was coming from?
does that sound right to you guys at all? who would of thought that a motor with 72 thousand miles would need a valve job!
anyways, since hes doing a 3 angle valve job i didnt stop there, im going to have them ported and polished, as well as bigger valves put in...