I wish I could post on a mustang forum on company time and not consider it stealing from my company. I'll have to ask for that in the next round of agreement negotiations. There's your reply.
I wish I could post on a mustang forum on company time and not consider it stealing from my company. I'll have to ask for that in the next round of agreement negotiations. There's your reply.
Also, if your a conductor which by the way you post you probably are, you sleep on the engine. Wait till the engine cameras come into play. Very soon grasshopper. Very soon.
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
I could care less where you are, I'm speaking of any non union office jockey that posts here on company time. Surely those guys aren't union.
I bet the term "NSFW" came from a union contract.
Again, I would love to know how they are stealing time or anything from the railroad.
Also, what exactly is your arguement about the NFL lockout other than your little rant about lazy union workers? Which by the way is a poor arguement as the same can be said about non union workers as I did previously.
I'm on vacation.
You guys are taking this way off track. It's obvious I don't agree with any unions. That's my personal opinion and I am entitled to that. However, I started this thread about the NFL union. I just don't get it. Nobody is asking these guys to WORK in dangerous conditions 12 hours a day and pay them peanuts. NO, these guys are paid to play a game they love. They've known the dangers of playing football since they were 6 years old. They make millions (MILLIONS) of dollars to play a game they love... to do a job they love and they NEED a union to represent them??? It is insanity. They should bow down and thank the owners and commissioner every day that they built the teams, fan base, TV contracts that allow them to make the millions of dollars they make. NO, on the contrary, just as an example... Harrison called Goodell the "devil" a few days ago. WTF is that?
Anybody got tix for this game?
PSU vs. Indiana State
Date: Sept. 3, 2011
Location: University Park, Pa.
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET
2019 Colorado ZR2
Its their right. No matter how much they make or how bad they get hurt, to simply take away their right to negotiate a wage or working conditions sets a bad precident that can be applied to the average joe. Where would the limit be on how much is too much where you would lose the right to negotiate fair working conditions?
again, I don't agree with any unions, but we're talking only about the NFL union here. fair working conditions??? why do you keep falling back to that? I sit in a cloth-covered box answering the phone and talking to jackwagons 10 hours a day and I get paid 5 digits. I would love to play football for a living for what I make now.
I can see your argument for the average joe and the 'teamsters' union was started because, yes dudes were driving 20 hours a day in terrible equipment and getting paid nothing. it made sense! it doesn't make sense in this case.
2019 Colorado ZR2
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Labor_Relations_Act"]National Labor Relations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:National_Labor_Relations_Act2.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/National_Labor_Relations_Act2.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@comm ons/2/2b/National_Labor_Relations_Act2.jpg[/ame]
I keep failling back to that because its tough to put a price on their skill and conditions. Yes, I'm sure you would love to play football but the truth is you can't, or you probably would be already. These people are talented and they have every right under the law to negotiate what they believe that talent and risk to their bodies is worth.