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Thread: Explanation for the recent happenings on here.

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    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Mt Pleasant, PA

    Explanation for the recent happenings on here.

    I feel I owe everyone an explanation for the recent changes on the board and me being so crabby. Ive been getting alot of PMs and emails about certain members posting negative, vulgar, useless info lately. The main person who was most complained about was someone I considered a good friend so I just deleted most of the crap and assumed it would go away. Well, the last 2 days it has only got worse so I asked Mark (u1arunit) to keep an eye out and delete any junk because im extreemly busy at work and don't have the time to baby sit. Today it got way out of hand and I ended up banning him for 7 days to cool things off. Fast forward to when I get home from work, I open up my email and see a notice that my account on here was attempted to be logged into 5 times from another person. In the email it included the IP address of the person so I call Jeff (Burn Tire) and he checks it out and guess who it is. There is no possible good reason that anyone would do this.

    Anyways, im sorry if I seemed grumpy. As anyone who knows me, im the most layed back person there is.
    Last edited by Sonic03snake; 03-28-2007 at 12:29 AM.
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