Alright I am going to get in a little over my head here but I have been getting some conflicting information..

What is the process the sn95 ECC uses from start up to normal operations and at WOT. I have been looking into this just to chase down a minor miss I have when cold..

is this correct..

when the car is first started, running on open loop. Reads fron MAF and Coolant sensor to get AFR. When conditions met (dont know what they are) the car switches to open loop and reads from the o2 sensors for AFR..

I have also read it quite the opposite..

My car when cold, been running 5-10min will get a miss POP POP POP on the top end.. Its will only do it once and never does it again. Idles fine and runs fine. After the first time I go WOT it quits.. will run smooth to redline from there on out..