If anyone out there has a 351 W for sale i need a back up block. Any help would be great.
If anyone out there has a 351 W for sale i need a back up block. Any help would be great.
i have a nice std. block, crank, rods ,etc. (724)880-4580 dave
I also have one it is all standard $150 let me know
I also have one all standard short block $150 let me know
are you looking for a roller block or a standard block?
Where are some of yu guys located that have these motors/blocks for sale. Maybe you might be close enough for me to pick up 2.
im washington pa. pm me if you are interested
i'm in uniontown,pa. ,and i'll give you all the extra windsor stuff i have for $150.00 (724)425-1911 dave :block,crank.rods,pistons,etc.and there already apart!