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Thread: No turn signals - any suggestions ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    North Huntingdon, PA

    No turn signals - any suggestions ?

    I have a 1987 Mustang that the turn signals went out on me over the weekend. I still have the hazards but when I use either turn signal, left or right, I get nothing outside or inside. I don't have the dash turn signal or the outside front or rear turn signals. I've checked the fuse and it is good. When I did a quick Google search on it, found a couple articles talking about could be a relay and not necessarily the switch ? Not sure where the relay even is - any suggestions on what my elimination steps should be to get to the problem ? Thanks

  2. #2
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Yea, i would think its the relay....

    Someone on here will know exactly where its located.... every car i've ever had to change it on, its been underneath the dash on the driver's side... up above where the pedals are.. you may have to remove a panel, but its usually very easy to get to, and a simple swap to plug in a new one... they're pretty cheap at the auto parts store too..
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  3. #3
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    You should be able to hear the relay click, or not click if there is a problem.
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

    If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump

  4. #4
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    I'm sure this is a stupid question / request - does anyone have a pic of what I am looking for ( relay ) ? I've searched the net and it seems like these things could be anywhere from behind fuse panel, to behind glove box, and some have even said it may have been relocated to the steering column if somebody has had to replace it prior it may have been relocated ? Or atleast a description of what a typical relay would look like ?

  5. #5
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Usually something like this:

    Will be connected into a big female adapter usually.
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

    If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump

  6. #6
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    ok thanks for the quick reply. Didn't realize it may say "flasher" right on it. I'll have to see if I can locate it tonight

  7. #7
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies. I think I found the problem behind the glove box/dash. Pretty sure the relay just was loose. Took the glove box out and looked for a relay similar to picture above and pushed the female connector in to secure it - felt pretty loose. Checked and had turn signals, buttoned everything back up and still have them working so hopefully it was just a loose connection.

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