Worthington Fire Hall, Worthington, PA

[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=Linton+Alley&hl=en&ll=40.836704,-79.629207&spn=0.013117,0.01929&sll=40.752459,-79.6138&sspn=0.420289,0.617294&geocode=FU0fbwIdye1 A-w&mra=ls&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=16"]Directions Here[/ame]

Registration starts at 1pm and is $10.00 per car, door prizes, goodie bags, music, 50/50 raffles, basket raffles, food for purchase. Random drawings and prizes. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society..Presented by Relay for Life Team Free Riders & To The Limit Motorsportz

I'll be leaving the fox chapel area around noon, if anyone wants to follow me up, get ahold of me

Most of you know, I'm not much for car shows, but my father and grandfather both died from cancer, so its one car show I never miss.